Throat cancer

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My friend has been diagnosed with throats cancer. Surgery is not an option. He has bee

n offered chemo but this has to be stopped due to severe reactions. The problem is he cannot eat or drink and is too weak to have another session of chemo. He is in and out of hospital. Last week he had a stent inserted and did not help. The main concern is how to get food and fluids in his body so that he can build his strength. When he was in hospital he was given a normal diet and he cannot swallow. I feel it is not getting the right treatment. The priority now it to get some nourishment in his body. He has lost 2 stones. I want to help and wonder whether anybody going through this can offer some advice. Thanks

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, i was in hospital for a number of weeks after having my stomach removed due to    cancer, I was allowed nothing in my mouth for 6 weeks and was fed by tubes, your friends treatment does not sound right, if I was you i would contact the royal marsden cancer hospital and ask for help, or ask the national newspaper to print your story, I know how difficult this is as i went through problems of my own. good luck and keep fighting for him, everybody needs someone.
  • Posted

    So sorry that your friend is going through this! Vanessa gave you good advice.  Will keep your friend in my prayers. xx
  • Posted

    What hospital are they at? Where I work all head and neck patients ate given a feeding tube in their stomach for these situations before the treatment starts. Ask for a referral to the on site dietician. They will be able to give liquid food supplements for whilst they cannot eat solid food.
    • Posted

      He lives in Kent need to find out which hospital he is in. Not sure whether he is being seen by a dietician but I know he gets supplements. I do not know whether he is giving up as he is not taking much liquids or soft food. It is costing his wife £30 by taxi to go and visit as there is no public transport. He is 76 and she is 70. Thanks for your advice and help.

    • Posted

      Well the dieticians can't make him take the supplements. Gentle encouragement might be the way forward. Some travel costs can be claimed back from the hospital if you are in receipt of benefits or of pension age, it's be worth looking into.

      They can also apply for a Macmillan grant towards travel costs. They'll only give about 200 but it's better than nothing.

      It's also worth seeing if thete is community transport that would take her for less money.

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