Throat problems and ETD driving me mad , any advice please?

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Has anyone out there experienced significant sore throat with ETD? Ive got ETD with head pressure, headaches, earache and throat pain that feels like tonsilitis .

Is it common to feel generally unwell too from the inflammation?

ENT consultant has offered grommets.

Had this for a year now off and on its got me really depressed and anxious. My doctor thinks i just have health anxiety and offered anti depressants.

Anyone found it impossible to sleep on the affected side and woken with ear, sinus and throat pain !

In the last few weeks a lymph node has appeared on each side of my neck which has got me worried. Convinced theres something sinister going on.

Thanks for reading my post.

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4 Replies

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    I have persistent ETD to varying degrees and have dealt with it for years. I fight often with silent reflux, which can cause a very sore throat and neck pain. It comes and goes. As much as I hate to admit it, anxiety has fed into it; I do not know if the ETD and other related stuff created the anxiety, which then made things worse, or anxiety over life (daughters who became teenage drivers, an extremely stressful job where I've witnessed repeated tragedies accumulated over 20 years, and other things) aggravated the ETD. Irrespective of anxiety, remember that everything in the throat/ear/nose area is connected. I've read a variety of ways that ETD is related to a number of issues.

    I say all of this to answer that, yes, a sore throat can occur alongside ETD and since you mentioned anxiety, I believe that it had much to do with aggravating my ETD. No doctor has given me relief from ETD, but my symptoms are very minimal now after a tough stretch. I didn't use any anti-anxiety medication, but regular exercise, a wonderful, supporting wife, and a strong focus on the Gospel of Christ has helped alleviate much of my anxiety. When things get really bad, I go on a pretty strict diet, too, to fight off mucus and inflammation. Anxiety meds may be needed and looking back, I probably could have used a prescription. I don't want to knock prescription meds for anxiety at all; they just were never brought up or offered to me, so I dealt with it my own way.

  • Posted

    Hi, I have several threads regarding ETD , very extensive personal experience.

    I get an occasional sore throat, I think it is because of my sleep position with my mouth agape. Anxiety with ETD has been a extreme difficulty, to the point I went to a local retailer late night and walked laps trying to excise the anxiety with exercise. I have used herbal remedies with minor success. I heard some folk use Benadryl (spelling) although I have not. I have used self treatments that I found surfing the internet especially Youtube. MotivationalDoc (doctor Mandell) posts on Tinnitus/ETD .Age plus sinus condition are factors, keeping the sinus passages clear is a must. Reading my prior posts/ threads on ETD may help. Now, I use daily sinus rinses, and occasionl use of the Navage., Nasal spray (Nasalcrom) as well as an over the counter Decongestant when needed. Peace Out!

    peace out.

  • Posted

    I had a frog in my throat type feeling and swollen lymph nodes under my chin which I had never experienced before plus some indigestion / reflux and sinus issues with my EDT and I am 98% sure it was ALL brought on by chronic ongoing stress and the only thing which helps me

    apart from sleeping upright is relaxation , relaxation , RELAXATION

  • Posted

    Thank you everyone for replying, its very reassuring to hear about your experiences and I've picked up some tips to follow up.

    I haven't heard about silent reflux and wonder if this could happen when asleep without knowing about it. Have to admit this has got me down and that I worry what I'm going to wake up to at the moment

    I'll be reading more posts ,thanks Terry, and will consider the anxiety meds as I'm sure it does feed into it. Managing stress is something I do need to focus on.

    Sleeping upright is something I'm looking into, spotted a pillow with a hole in the middle which I might also try.

    Has anyone tried a dairy free diet, wondering about the impact of diet on ETD too.

    Thanks again for sharing your experiences , I'm finding that this has helped to ease the anxiety I've been experiencing.


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