Throat restriction
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Does anyone have this same weird restriction in the throat like something is pressing on your Adam’s apple. I have seen my GP who thinks it could be acid reflux, the tablets worked for a few days then seemed to make it worse. I read somewhere this could be due to peri Menopause so wondered if anyone had suffered this and if hrt helped. I’m 54
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bobbysgirl deborah41800
Fat lot he knows! I get that sometimes, not sure what causes it, but I know it's not acid reflux. Those tablets do more harm than good.
Have you had your thyroid checked out?
deborah41800 bobbysgirl
bobbysgirl deborah41800
I'd ask for a print out and check the results yourself. I was told my Potassium was high, I checked it - 0.1 over the 'normal' - nothing to lose sleep over. Conversely thyroid numbers give a wide range. Unless you are bang in the middle, you could be heading towards hypo or hyper. Best to keep an eye on it.
betty90997 deborah41800
I have that too it's hormones menopause affects the digestive system you'll be fine
karen77710 deborah41800
Guest deborah41800
deborah41800 Guest
Really enjoying this forum, thanks again
Takingtime deborah41800
Hi there, I am 43 and have this, it started 8 months ago, I have had other symptoms with it.....drs speculate gerd, but I am not taking anything, as I don't feel heart burn, or reflux.....I on occasion have had chest pain that had me worried it was heart, ut have had all the tests done to rule that out. I recently had a modified barium swallow and everything's seems to be working proper when it comes to swallowing. The remaining tests is an upper GI X-ray....and my dr is to refer me to an ent for a camera to look at my throat....but so far nothing has been done. It used to be daily, but now it is on and off...leading up to all of it I was having a lot of hormonal changes in other areas, so I am leaning towards that's as well, my digestive system has been off the last few months, I think due to anxiety from all the worrying and testing over my health. I keep telling myself, this too shall pass. You are not alone.
deborah41800 Takingtime
jenni70 deborah41800
Yes - for over a year. It was when things were just starting for me. Maybe my sensitive system was stressed by the hormonal change, but it’s a CLASSIC anxiety or panic phenomenon. I wouldn’t have said that I was filled with anxiety at the time, but looking back, with the physical changes my body was going through & some family changes, it must have been enough to trigger it.
It was relentless and I was worried that it was something serious. Felt as though someone was pressing on my throat with their thumbs - I suspected thyroid cancer, and all sorts of serious stuff. It seemed that once I started accepting that it was an anxiety/panic response, it went away. I had it for a long time - months/well over a year. I did have testing done so I had to face that it in fact COULD be anxiety! I’m sure that I mentioned it a few years ago on this forum, when I was experiencing horribly real and scary systemic symptoms (you might be able to see my daunting list of strange symptoms somewhere on here still).
My life has slowly been coming back to me - and I’m not as scared as I was back then! I still have all sorts of other issues due to hormonal changes, but they’re easier to cope with mentally now that I have come to trust a bit that I’m not dying
Was a very troubling time & I'm so thankful to have some normalcy back. I had a friend (a manager of ICU in our local hospitals) tell me about this troubling symptom she was having (same as you are describing/I had) & I told her “it’s anxiety!” She laughed and said “that’s exactly what my doctor told me!” - she is a no nonsense, everything is fine type of person, so she didn’t believe her doctor - when I verified the experience, she believed it and it didn’t take long for it to go away. The body is a strange machine!
Take care and maybe try a meditation app at night - it really helped me when I was in the thick of things. I’d also try and stay away from caffeine and anything that gets the system revving. Relaxing things should be on the calendar - massages, walks, baths, meditation, maybe gentle yoga. I’ve incorporated all these things into my life & perhaps things have gotten better because of it. I also just learned another technique from yoga the other day “take your thoughts and let them float away, like a cloud...” I’ve been putting fear into a “cloud” every time it pops into my head. There has been a lot of fear in my life these past 7 years from this change & I don’t want it ruling my life anymore. Maybe it’s easier to manage since I’ve been taking better care of myself and constantly telling myself “you’re not dying, you’re going to be okay”. I’m not fully there, but it’s gotten much better. I was thrown for a loop when things first started cropping up as I didn’t have physical issues before - then *bam*, so many that I thought something must be wrong! It’s been a wild ride to say the least...
All the best to you!
deborah41800 jenni70
I’m so sorry that you have had a lot of years of horrid things. I wish you well and thanks again
jenni70 deborah41800
This forum really helped me keep my mind in check when I was sure all of these bizarre ailments were sinister diseases. I just cannot fathom how hormonal shifts/surges can do all of these different things to a body - I believe the health anxiety it produces makes things significantly worse.
I don’t get hot flashes/sweating etc. One of the mainstays of menopause, so I thought! I get serious feeling problems & strange things I’ve never had before. It’s so odd and has been very scary sometimes.
I can still remember my worse times, really a block of a few years. I was quite terrified, spent most of my evenings in bed, straight after work, and was always waiting for the terrible diagnosis after tests were done. I live in Canada, so I am very fortunate to have access to medical care and have a great doctor who knew that I was healthy before this (and rarely ever saw him). He sure sees me regularly now. Even though I still see him for things that crop up, I feel like I have come out of some of the darkest, scariest days. I still work at keeping health anxiety at bay & calming my system to avoid amping things up (as I don’t get much sleep).
I hope things settle for you - I think when the body fritzes out (for seemingly no reason) I it can trigger immense worry. In turn, things get out of balance pretty quickly and the mind follows suit. I’m not saying it’s in anyone’s mind, as I have experienced the REAL PHYSICAL symptoms of some horrible things - but somehow this health anxiety can take hold during this time and I think we have to find a way to roll with it somehow (easier said than done). I hope this symptoms settles for you soon. It was one of the first symptoms that gave me worry and made me feel like something must be seriously wrong.
I guess we’re part of an elite group of women who have bizarre, scary, physical symptoms in peri-menopause!
deborah41800 jenni70