Throbbing Pounding Headache
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Hello Ladies,
last night my head started pounding so hard it was like I could feel my HeartBeat in my Head!! At first no pain then Like an hour or two later the pain came in so strong!!!! My cycles have been off. My second to last peroid was November 20 and last 4 days and was heavy. The last one was even a month apart. I got it December 13 and lasted two days. I had to take tylenol last night to sleep. I woke up this morning to my peroid!!! So hopefully this pounding headache was from my period! Please help ladies if you have experienced this or anything similar please let me know it would definitely ease my mind!!! Thank You!!!!
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Guest Shana_P
Hi Shana, yes, sounds like a migraine hit you. I had a bad one on Sat, then spotted on Sun. Then, nothing. Now a little more of a period today. Some refer to them as menstrual migraines they come around a period. (I am dealing with chronic I just say migraines!) Either way, they suck!
Shana_P Guest
what do you do for them? What do you take?
Guest Shana_P
Hi Shana, My dr took the preventative approach with me. As, if I take abortive type meds, even Tylenol more than a couple of days a week...I get rebound migraines. I have vestibular migraine..,which means my constant migraines make me unbalanced, dizzy. My worst month was 10.
I take nortriptyline everyday. Depending on your situation...the best thing to do is the moment you feel "headachey"...take a couple of tylenol or ibuprofen immediately. I would stay away from excedrin or such combo type meds especially with caffeine. They tend to cause terrible rebound headaches to the point where I was taking them daily only to be in worse a "hangover" the next day. Now, with the preventative, if I do get a bad migraine, tylenol or advil will usually knock it right I end up only taking it a couple of times per month...tops. But, I also take 250mg of magnesium and 200mg B2...along with following a strict diet. Again, depends on your migraine frequency...I was in bad shape!
staci88515 Shana_P
I have gotten a menstrual migraine every month for 7/8 years. Over the years, some have been tolerable, but most have been incapacitating. I have missed work because of them and/or left work early. I usually don't take anything and just suffer. I lay in bed with ice packs on my head and try to sleep. That's been my pattern for nearly a decade (44 years old) until I got that dreaded aura a few months back.
linda61015 Shana_P
Hi Shana
yes sounds like a hormone related migraine .
i have been taking a high strength propranolol ( a beta blocker) for a couple of years now and have'nt had a full blown migraine since.'
good luck
Linda x
ampat1 linda61015
did you have migraines with aura or were they more like tension headaches? my GP mentioned propranolol but I have not taken any prescription meds for my headaches. Mine are more of tension headaches with imbalance.
debra16694 Shana_P
hi Shana - thats what my head feels like before i get a hot flash/flush. i just drink a giant glass of cold water & put a cold wash towel on my head & neck & use lavendar oil to calm myself.
debra16694 Shana_P
hi Shana - thats what my head feels like before i get a hot flash/flush. i just drink a giant glass of cold water & put a cold wash towel on my head & neck & use lavendar oil to calm myself.