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Hi ladies

Do many of you get thrush. I used to get it years ago but I've noticed I've had it twice in the last 2 months. If so what do you find that works best?

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    I had the same problem. Dr prescribed a tablet to get rid if it. But now I take a sona product Acidbifidious . It builds up good bacteria in the gut. I used to take it years ago also every time I was on antibiotics. Because I used to get thrush from it. But then anytime I went on antibiotics . I also took these so didn't get it any more

    • Posted

      Oh yes its a nightmare i tend to get in on the tongue too i dont know if its due to my dry mouth or not but im suffering terribly im sick of the trips to the doctor so many symptoms i dont know which bothers me the most anymore 😢😢😥

    • Posted

      He gave me nystan the first time it went away for a week then he gave me Daktarin gel but i found just a teaspoon of salt in warm water helped more than any of them 😊 For the other area was given canstan you can also use salt in the bath that helps no end too i hope you feel better soon x

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle, I had that in my 20's and hoping don't return in meno....I think it's slightly in the mouth due to my dry mouth, I heard people put natural you yogurt on a tampon you can try that ok, hope it goes away soon for you.

  • Posted

    Hi are you sure it's thrush and not menopause related my GP kept giving me stuff for thrush and it wasn't that at all it's the skin that's gone a bit thin down there for me it mite sore rather then the itch you get with thrush

  • Posted

    If it does happen to find its way in to your mouth use the salt rince it does helpĀ 

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