Thrush or herpes
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so about two months ago inhad unprotected sex with someone and started having some itching. i went to the doctors and the swab (culture) came back negative and i had a yeast infection twice in a row since that incident. ive been blood tested for herpes on three diffrent occasions since the incident and it came back negative for both 1 and 2 each time. im waitung for next month to reach 12 week (last test 9 weeks since the incident) but now i have itching and honestly it seems likw the itchung never goes away! i do have discharge it doesnt smell though.
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ICanHelp hope28026
hi hope
it sounds like a yeast infection
the discharge doesn't have to smell
sounds like its a tough one to get on top of
hope28026 ICanHelp
i really hope so, i want to go to my heslth care provider asap! i didnt realize how bad the photos were
hope28026 ICanHelp
ive never seen any ulcers although i dint know what an herpes ulcer is suppsosed to look like
ameliamoo hope28026
sounds like persistent or recurring yeast infecs, sometimes u have to get stronger medication like an oral pill from doctors. maybe go on probiotics. if youve had 3 negative herpes tests and no sores i highly doubt you have it - most places refuse to test if there are no sores present. if youve just got itching and non smelling discharge (yeast discharge has no smell and herpes discharge usuallt smells slightly) then i think uve got thrush again.
hope28026 ameliamoo
thank you so much! im Definitely get a checked ASAP! ive had two partners since everythung came back negstive but since this reappeared i was so scared because i wouldn’t want to hurt anyone
i do have tiny bumps you can see in the picture above but idk if thats herpes or a rash. im hust really concerned and anxious
ICanHelp hope28026
hi Hope the bumps are only VP, quite normal