Thyroid and Adrenals
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Sounds like a soap opera title doesn’t it? More like penny dreadful really.
I’m posting this on the Menopause forum because thyroid + adrenal problems often combined are common in menopause.
I came across a natural supplements list for both:
Lugol's iodine
How are yours? Any correlation?
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annieschaefer TeresaJS
Now my gland converted naturally so to speak and I didn't have to have an ablation like my mother.
I have Hashimoto's and while the Naturopath had me on supplements to support the adrenals and thyroid, it wasn't until I was put on actual thyroid meds did I start to improve. And I am not even at the therapeutic dose yet. The doctor I see likes to gradually build up the dose to avoid some known cardiac complications is given too much too quick. I am looking foward to the day when I am feeling hopefully more like my old self once the dosage is at it's optimal level for me.
TeresaJS annieschaefer
I'm pretty sure I have suclinical hypothyroid. I recently started taking Lugol's but I guess i'll need more that that to feel like myself. if I could find armour i would take it but I can't find it here.
annieschaefer TeresaJS
My mother was on Synthroid and constantly had issues with the med. I really didn't want to go down that route. Plus I suspect she probably shoudl have had treatment for T3 and T4. Back then, it wasn't investigated as much as it is now.
There were some problems a few years back with one of the fillers being used for Armour but whatever it was seems to have been sorted out. I go back for my first follow up since starting med tomorrow and I know it'll involve increasing the dosage. I believe I have 2 more steps to go. But even with the low dose, I am seeing and feeling subtle improvements-thankfully.
TeresaJS annieschaefer
susan21149 TeresaJS
Have had palpitations like crazy.
Stopped taking my Zoloft because I read that can cause palpitations as a side effect, plus had a lot of diarrhea, stomach pain, cramping while I was taking it, I was only on a small dose 25mgs and it really affected my stomach badly. Can't even take metformin because of my stomach issues.
I am trying to get an emergency appointment so I can go natural T3 T4 thats what my sister takes and a natural progesterone pill to help her moods.
The synthetic stuff causes to many side effects on me.
TeresaJS susan21149
I can tell you from experience that the progesterone capsule is good for anxiety e sleeplesness. Cheers.
susan21149 TeresaJS
annieschaefer susan21149
In answer to Teresa's question, you are referring to "natural" dessicated thyroid medication, correct? There are several brands out there that include more than simply T4 and I believe that is what you mean, correct?
susan21149 annieschaefer
My doctor just ordered me natural progesterone pill 50mg to help with my symptoms she ordered it from a compound pharmacy because I do not take anything over the counter because You don't know what is in them.
I pray this help me relax more than the Zoloft did