Thyroid high on one test. Next one normal? Can this cause fainting feelings? Tingling in chest and
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Thyroid high on one test. Next one normal? Can this cause fainting feelings? Tingling in chest and spaced out feeling?
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charcey97 dev77856
Always good to have those symptoms checked out with your provider to be sure its nothing more serious, like your heart for instance, but YES...hormone imbalances can wreak all kinds of havoc.
Ella23ps dev77856
If your thyroid is going high keep an eye on it. You need a TSI test that measures the level of thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin to see if you have antibodies. Graves disease can cause many problems some are very horrible, but catching it early is good. Graves disease can affect your heart. Stress and anxiety will make it much much worse so stay calm and stress free. I will pray for you, but do get it checked out ASAP. Puberty, pregnancy, and peri-menopause can bring on Graves disease. Keep a eye on your heart rate if it goes high and stays high go to the hospital ASAP. Graves disease can bring on a resting heart rate of 130 or higher and the heart rate can go as high as 250 bpm just from walking across the floor. It can cause fainting like symptoms, tremors and shaking, heat intolerance and fever etc. It should not be taken lightly.
mary27278 dev77856
Im going to be to eat with you, Try not to worry too much. I went through the same thing. thyroid test high and next time low and then normal..normal ever since. They would not give me thyroid meds because they said it wasn't off balance enough to take meds and the was ways normal. It's the crazy hormones! I had all those symptoms you 're having... hormones can cause all sorts of symptoms. I've fainted, shakiness, tremors, etc. Are you taking supplements for support?
dev77856 mary27278
likr what?
mary27278 dev77856
LOL i just noticed my typo.. i didnt have my glasses on, I meant Im going to be be honest i forgot what I was saying . Anyway, are you taking anything to support your thyroids? My intergrative dr told me last week that since im going through peri she wouldn't advise me to get on hormones but rather support them with supplements. Just do a google and see what supplement support thyroids.