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I wonder if you poor suffers of thyroid problems can answer a query for me please?
Before being diagnosed with either an underactive or overactive thyroid, did anyone have symptoms such as a dry mouth, on and off hoarseness of voice or swollen glands?
I have finally been for my hospital appointment today to investigate my swollen salivary glands. I was most upset as when I received the appointment letter I rang for confirmation of which consultant I would be seeing and was happy when it was confirmed as someone I knew to be highly recommended. However, I did not see an actual consultant at all but aftebeing sent for a dental X-ray was seen by one of his assistants, a very nice young lady but obviously inexperienced and after examining me she went to relay my answers to her questions to the consultant and to ask him whether I should have a C.T scan or an MRI. I told her I didn't want a CT scan with dye because that, I know, can be harmful to my low filtering sole kidney. An MRI is being arranged but she also queried my thyroid and I have now had a blood test for that.
So this has been going on, as you all know, for three months now and I now have to wait another few weeks before the scan and again for a further appointment (the Appointments Desk wouldn't make the appointment before I left today as they said it was fully booked up!) I queried with her as to whether there could be any link with GCA or, as my GP suggested, Sjogren's Syndrome, but felt I may as well not have bothered because she didn't have any answers!
I'm sorry this isn't a PMR subject but I know some of you are thyroid sufferers and I would be very grateful if you can give me any advice, please.
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Best wishes from Lizzie
so sorry to hear about your son, no, age makes no difference, they are always your children aren't they ?
Sorry 'the last straw' came into play.
What is the matter with some people ? You'd think making an appointment would be easy enough !
Hope the results don't take too long and that all is OK.
Best to all, Julia xx
You are obviously another coper. Do hope all is now going well for your son.
As for the hospital mix up...words fail me luckily as I'm sure I'd be moderated off the forum if I really expressed myself on the subject.
Thank you for your good wishes and what a time you have had
I hope all your problems are now over You seem to have had more problems recently than all of us put together !! It is so awful about your appointments as well !! I really hope your son is better soon and all the stress doesent make you worse !!
Thank you all for your best wishes Off out again tonight !!
Mrs G
Hopefully all is well and improving on your son's front and you are feeling calmer about things.
Stay strong
Ive just read your recent posts. I do hope your son is better and that you are getting mor efficient service from the medical people! It sounds like one mess-up after another! Unfortunately its only too believable and I think things are going to get worse due to the latest cuts and reorganisations in the NHS.
Sorry - that sounds awfully negative
Beev :?
[color=darkblue:4bdc68a20a]CathyG [/color:4bdc68a20a] - a belated thank you for all that information following your experience with thyroid problems (as if PMR wasn't enough to have thrown at you) but I'm so sorry to hear that you are still experiencing \"shaking\" and palpitations\". Certainly the \"exhaustion, aches and pains\" are probably PMR-related and I wonder whether the palpitations are actually being caused by the steroids as this was something I experienced more frequently on the higher doses. I stayed away from coffee and only drank decaffeinated tea and found that a glass of very cold water seemed to help when I got an attack. The \"electric shock\" feeling across your back so many times a day must be so debilitating and scary. I can remember having a strange fluttering feeling at the top left hand side of my chest area which went on for months but then eventually just disappeared. I do have a slightly leaky mitral valve so wondered if that was to blame. I do hope the cardiologist can reassure you on this. Meanwhile keep stroking that little feline friend of your's - I find it very relaxing when I'm cuddling mine! :cat: Do let us know how you get on with both the rheumy and the cardiologist. All the very best.
So pleased to hear your son is making progress As he is 6.2 you cant very well pick him up and carry him around !!!!
Its good he was able to get the proper treatment and I hope he is soon off the medication and back to full health What you will have to tell him is he has to be patient like us PMR sufferers and not do too much !!
Hope you can now relax a bit and look after you
Best wishes
Mrs G
From a sunny New Forest !!
Glad to hear your son is starting to get a little better.
When I was a student, I developed a viral illness of the nerve supplying the inner ear called \"Vestibular neuronitis\" and it sounds very similar to what your son had....
I had no balance whatsoever, so couldn't walk without falling, and no sensation in my hands, so kept dropping everything :oops: :roll:
I was given drugs to help the symptoms, but it did take about two months for it to clear up entirely, so hope his recovery is a bit quicker :wink:
beautifil sun here again today...long may it continue 8)
Love, Pauline
[color=darkblue:631c193d2f]MrsG[/color:631c193d2f] - the thought of \"picking him up and carrying him around\" made me chuckle - I'm only 5ft4in and each time he sees me he asks me if I've shrunk! :lol:
Hope you're feeling great after your week of birthday festivities and you haven't got too much recovering to do next week! :wink:
What glorious weather we've all been having - a very early taste of summer and, with the clocks going forward tomorrow night, we can look forward to those lovely longer days. 8)
BTW - have a lovely holiday, Pauline.
I didn't mean to scare you with my 8 weeks....I was greatly improved after 2 or 3...but not fit to work or do much else. I really sympathize with Adrian as it is a most unpleasant feel almost drunk 24/7 between the room spinning and the nausea :roll: .
I presume that the doctors will have given him something fo the nausea and hopefully that will be helping him.
I had to bring our poor little cat back to the vet today as she is still having difficulty going to the loo and seemed to be in pain when walking. she now has anti-inflammatories to take and is going to be sedated on Monday so that she can have some x-rays done :roll: Thank goodness we have pet insurance that will cover all these new tests or she would be costing us a fortune :roll: the vet siad that she might have kidney stones or that she may have hurt her back hopefully we will get good news for her on Monday.
Am up past my normal bedtime as I am on taxi duty for my daughter who is at a friend's no wine for Pauline tonight :cry:
Will have to drink double the ammount tomorrow :lol:
Love to all, Pauline.
sorry to hear about your son's illness, and so glad he's feeling somewhat better. I can identify with the not being able to walk upright, and the vomiting and spinning, as I have Menieres syndrome. It's under control now with medication, but in the early days it was pretty horrible. I can remember having to be helped to the bathroom by my husband because I had no idea how to keep upright, and lying on my back I couldn't do, only on my side. I feel for your son and hope the labrynthitis is sorted very soon.
BTW, I too have a 6ft 2ins son called Adrian---ha ha.
Hope your PMR has not been too upset by the worry!!
Yes, Adrian was given prochloperazine at first which eventually stopped the vomiting and then the on-call Dr gave him an injection of Stemitil and changed the pills to some sort of antihistamine, I believe, which another Dr has told him to continue taking until he feels back to normal - don't know if he's got enough for 8 weeks though!! :wink:
Enjoy that extra indulgence today! :redwine: :wink:
What a coincidence! I chose the name not only, obviously, because I liked it but because I thought it couldn't be shortened.......wrong! He was called Ades at school!!! I dont' suppose your Adrian was born in 1972?!!! The on-call Dr on Sunday looked at Adrian's notes and said he was born on the same day! Oh, and I share the same birthday as our very own MrsK! Coincidences over.....for now!
Thank you for your kind thoughts :rose: - I'm hoping that having been down on 1mg for a very long time and the PMR and GCA being well under control that the stress of the last week won't have any adverse effects - I just feel a bit exhausted but that's to be expected I suppose.
we chose the name like you thinking it couldn't be shortened, but he gets called Ady all the time. He was born June 1973, been serving in the Royal Air Force since 1995, stationed at the moment at RAF Brize Norton.
I'm lucky with the menieres, as it's well under control with medication, and I'm reducing on that too, as this is another thing that can burn itself out, had it for 7 years now but always hoping it will eventually go!! Born optimist!!
As I'm not having any symptoms with the menieres, obviously the steroids and PMR aren't upsetting it thank goodness,
Best wishes,