Thyroid test
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what Tsh levels have you been told you have, and does anyone have normal levels and been taken off their Levothyroxine? My dr says I don't need it anymore as I'm within a normal range. He thinks my symptoms ar psychological and are not related to my thyroid.
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Tammy123 Doseyjo
sweetmelissa Doseyjo
Same here.. I'll be on them for the rest of my life. I would imagine it would depend on the cause of your hypothyroidism or if you were misdiagnosed.. which is always a possibility.
Tammy123 sweetmelissa
Thankyou. Do you know what your tsh levels were? Mine originally were 9.5 going down to 7.5 and now normal since being on meds. I know I was a borderline case but I really don't think it's psychological, although I do feel like I'm going mad! I would have thought if it's normal they would keep me on them as it shows that they are working?
Tutu123 Doseyjo
Remember hypothyroidism can cause symptoms of depression and anxiety. They need to be sure before they take you off the meds. It's not unheard of to come off this medication (depending on cause of hypothyroidism and severity) but it's fairly unusual. Always better to have your own hormones doing the work than these drugs so fingers crossed for you
debb64913 Doseyjo
Hi, I was just told the same thing today! !!!! I was so upset I left his office slamming doors and yelling what an idiot he going to a different doctor. heart keeps speeding up and serve lack of energy, weight loss and headaches. .my top lip keeps swelling up like I'm having a reaction to the medication. on 100 of synthroid and it keeps getting worse the longer I'm on it... the on call doctor told me that was to much for me to bebon...he said I should be on 75 not 100... I hope we both can find the answers we are looking for...oh one thing do you still have your thyroid ?
Went back to my gp and drew I got the results. ..they're high..out of range off medication till I go back on Monday he will draw blood again to see if its it comes 60mg down back in range. Then back on medication. .the right one..I was having a reaction to the Synthroid so he's going to try a different brand and I think it's 75 milligrams and hopefully that should do it !!!!
tennessee1987 Doseyjo
Shanks everyone. I have another blood test scheduled for 6 weeks time so I'll see what that says. I'll definately seek a second opinion if he decides to take them off me. I'd much rather not have to take them but they seem to be helping. I take them at night and I find this works better for me. I still have my thyroid. I have lichen sclerosis and it was my dermatologist who tested my thyroid.