TIA at 28years old but my doctors are in denial
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I am 28 years old healthy male that has had an TIA but doctors are in denial and discriminating my health on the basis I am fit and healthy male, far too young to have TIA but I KNOW they are wrong and have not correctly diagnosed me.
Over the last few months I have had allot of stress to deal with on my own. However, I do go gym regularly and my diet is healthy too. I am south Asian male, both my parents are Diabetics, high blood pressure suffers. My mother side of the family tend to suffer from heart condition but I dont know if the heart condition is not genetic or not. This puts me in higher risk of developing a stroke.
Over the last few weeks I have been suffering from cluster headaches and I know this was partly because I was and still am under alot of physical and emotional stress. After suffering my very strong migraine attackes, on tuesday I had experienced unexpected sudden attack like I had never experienced before.
While having cluster headaches, one side of mind was thumping like never before but my left face was going really numb within minutes from the left side of face, going down to left side of my neck and left side of chest, everything on that side began tightening so much so, I was going through the strong motion of everything being felt as though it was being pulled down and tightening even more into spasms. When I looked in the mirror, I could not see the physical symptom of my face dropping but was feeling it, and the strong feeling of numbness. the attack last for 20 minutes. After the incident, I was finding it very difficult to eat because my left side of face, neck, throat and chest area was strongly feeling strained as though it had been dislocated. I reported it to nhs direct, who sent me to emergency doctor.
The doctor played it down, and said it was just migraine attacks but I knew it wasn't, I had a TIA and stupid doctor just measured me by her past experience patients which is wrong and unfair. However, I went to my local doctors the next day to report the incident, I was still suffering from the after affects, they also played it down. I was told to give blood sample and had ECG done few days later. I am waiting for my blood results, but ecg test has came back as normal, my blood pressure is normal and so is my sugar levels. Doctors are not finding any evidence to show I had suffered a stroke, But i know as well as having cluster headache I was suffering from TIA yet at the same time. I think my TIA attack could have been alot worse if i didnt lead a healthy lifestyle like going gym and good diet but it is not my fault if the results are coming back as normal because I never imagined the whole thing.
However my doctors have not done a brain scan, or mri, I was suffering from the after affects still, I went to A & E who did not treat me, after I told them my doctor is aware of health problem and am waiting for results. I was told more or less my doctor has got everything in control in the meantime live with the chest pains I was having, "it is anxiety making me believe everything is 10 times worse then it actually is". The nurse was making whole lot of assumptions when I challenged her assumptions, she still got the doctor to see me just so the hospital had the backs covered in doing their routine but were not doing their job properlyand did not do any tests or taken any notice of my chest pains with numbness to the face.
I am completly upset with the medical profession and do not know what type I test can have done to confirm I had TIA attack?,
All I know is as god is my witness that i had a mini stroke and my local doctors are pathetic for not picking this up sooner. I am gone go back on Monday for my blood test results in the meantime, I have been given sumatriptan at 50mg to stop the migraine attack which seems to be doing the trick but yet my face is still numb my left side is still sore and strained. which makes me believe it is not just a migraine attack i had.
I am documenting everything in my diary the time and dates I have been seeing doctors and each time I KEEP telling I have had a tia attack because I know this will happen again in the future and in the meantime I knocked on all the medical profession doors for help but they are not doing their jobs properly. If my health gets affected where I cannot do my normal routine in the future then I will be suing my local surgery and the NHSa for not giving the correct, advice, support or medication.
Sometime I can't help but be cynical in thinking doctors don't like being told by patients when they are wrong and as a result the doctors let their pride get in the way when it comes to making the correct diagnosis. Doctors are nothing but humans being, they are not GOD that they think they know it all. as human beings they make mistakes and making mistakes from careless which is gone cost patient their health is wrong!
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I have had two tias dr has diagnosed anxiety.
Had all the test done that came back normal
But had all the symptoms of a Tia so fed up
I do not suffer with anxiety at all!
But will start again. I feel let down by the nhs
I do not see a Gp that often as I'm never I'll
My partner was with me on the two occasions
I could not speak all left side was weak could
Not move left leg face numb was this all made
Anxiety? I work in the care industry I know
A tia
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