TIA Symptoms?
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Last Thursday evening I developed a really bad headache then my left arm went heavy and I lost the sensation in my left arm and grip went, I couldn't see properly. I went to get up off the chair and felt weak, so sat back down until it passed after about 10-15 minutes. Well anyway, since then I still don't feel right and have rang the GP yesterday morning but there are no appointments so have to ring at 8am this morning. I also had heart attack last year and have angina, but never experienced anything like this before. Would I still feel unwell even though it's 4 days gone if it was a TIA? Many thanks.
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Spoken to my GP this afternoon and I have a diagnosis of......Hemiplegic Migraine. I have never ever heard of it, he also said that because I am taking so much medication for my heart/cholesterol/coronary artery vasospasm/angina, it would be difficult to treat it. I have to ride this attack out and see what happens, apparently the symptoms I have/am suffering appear as a TIA/Stroke but is actually a HM attack. I've done a little bit of searching and reading and it does seem to match what I have been experiencing......However, I feel like I've been left to get on with it alone yet again. Have you ever heard of it?
loretta89480 RubyRed21
with that too and the excuse was two fold. Firstly I was taking to many different medications and secondly I should lose weight. I totally lost it with the consultant, called him a quack to his face and walked out. If like me you are on a lot of medication the so called consultants don't really want to know and better to be rid of you than find the true cause of your TIAs. I hope you are soon feeling much better
samuels RubyRed21
Can't say I've heard of that "strain" of migraine and I'm on a few of anti anginal mediations and that was never mentioned as per your explanation. I made it a point in mentioning my fading memory over a period of time since my second questionable TIA (? by a neurology specialist) I asked my GP if it could be because of all the medication I was on causing it and he went through my medications with me and he said the only one that may cause memory loss (not complete loss but hazey if you know what I mean) is the Alprazolam (Kalma) .
My first TIA a different specialist tended me back then and I'm catagorised as high risk for MI , TIA/Stroke due to my cholestrol levels and it has specialists worldwide stumped "apparently" according to my cardiologist, he did a symposium on me quite a few years ago now and I was known as patient X. I'm on the list for the new "eagerly " awaited drug that would take care of cholestrol and quite possibly Prinzmetal Angina, it hasn't been released yet, I believe it is in final stage testing or being looked at by our medications authority here, it's an injectable medication and it's name from memory is SP KHC9 but don't quote me on that name as being totally correct, although the name does sound like something from the police canine department...lol. I will have to have a look later on as I came accross it on the net a few weeks ago, as of writing here my angina is playing up and just had spray #5 in 25 minutes
I'll take what pain killers I have here and if not gone will be on my way into ER....ohhh what a day to spend in ER an early Friday morning.
RubyRed21 loretta89480
From what I've read of other people's experience with it (HM) no medication they've tried appears to have any effect on the migraine and its symptoms. I've been using 2x Codeine alongside 2x Paracetamol since yesterday just out of desperation, and it's all I've got atm.
I also ordered a medic alert bracelet & put every diagnosis I've got on it, never had one before but feel it's a necessity (should have one anyway re: heart) at least should anything happen and I'm not capable of explaining myself, someone else/paramedic can see/read it.
RubyRed21 samuels
Here we go........now I've been told by one consultant I have Prinzmetal's Angina because I get my pain in recent attacks during the night, hence it's when I'm resting. Yet another consultant says it's Angina, well I know Angina is Angina however there are different types. For example, firstly diagnosed with stable angina as they attacks happened upon exertion, then unstable angina as they were coming any time during the day resting or on exertion. Now they mostly come at night which is rarer and Prinzmetal's Angina...this is what I have been told by different consultants. Diltiazem I'm taking alongside gtn, I can't have beta-blockers as I'm asthmatic and one consultant said I can't have them.
Hope you are feeling better, best wishes.
samuels RubyRed21
Yes ended up in ER for the day, usual done, ECG,Morphine and repeat Troponin blood test , both came back negative at 8, so for me it was just my Prinzmetal Angina acting up.
Yes Prinzmetal Angina is the rarer of all Angina, it can come on at rest or exertion, when it comes on at rest that's when Prinzmetal is looked at, ER doctors were telling me when I was first diagnosed with it years ago is that it can be the dangerous one even if ECG shows normal but Troponin blood test comes back positive, there doesn't have to be a blockage in any artery to cause Prinzmetal, here where I am Prinzmetal Angina falls under unstable angina /variant angina. I am on 480mg's of Diltiazem (broken up into 240 mg's twice daily) since the increase it has helped tremendously, also Nicorandil helped but wasn't quite enough to stop the spasming (it stopped the night time spasms), also on 120mg monodur and the usual GTN spray as required. Unfortunately there is no fix for Prinzmetal Angina, it's with us for life.
I do have mild plaque build up in my right coronary artery ( 50-60% ) but that's considered a baby blockage and can be treated medically they informed me, they also tell me at that percentage rate of a blockage they don't make stents that big.So for me being treated medically is not happening at the moment as I can't take any statins and that includes the old fashioned Questran powder.
What dosage rate are you on with your Diltiazem....I noticed a big difference when mine was bumped up.
loretta89480 samuels
samuels loretta89480
Yes I still get attacks but it's winter time here where I am and thats a known trigger, I was on the largest dose possible of Ditiazem that could be prescribed by my GP and they weren't helping so the Cardiologist incresed it to 480 mg but divided it up into 2 I.E 240mg twice daily(here only a specialist can go higher than the recommended dosage rates, the next step for me was around the 520 mg from memory if this didn't do the trick), I average 1 trip a month to ER now rather than 4- 5 a month due to the increased Cardizem (Diltiazem), Nicorandil stopped my night time spasms but as I said it's winter time and I have had 3 episodes of spasms now at night, come summertime and being on Nicorandil I go back to no night time spasms.
I can take up to 15- 20 sprays before I call our paramedics...99.9% of the time everything comes back negative, that .1% over a period of a year I have raised Troponins, I've been told I've had 3 NSTEMI's one in 2012 and 2 last year about 6 months apart and 2 TIA's although one specialist as per this forum has suggested it may of been a migraine, although another specialist has put a question mark next to the second one, as she know my other pre-existing conditions that contribute to TIA's
Since my Cardizem increase I haven't had to use the GTN as much, maybe once a week to a week and a half that's when the bad attacks occur, seems to come in weekly or so clusters, the GTN helps for around 40 minutes but just comes back stonger the chest pains and spasms. At 20 sprays my blood pressure is still sitting on 160/90, I have been told I may have developed an immunity to the GTN
loretta89480 samuels
samuels loretta89480
Yes I've had to submit a couple of complaints in about certain ER doctors, they are the newish ones,Don't know how ER works completely but I think the younger doctors have to do rotations after so long as there is a lot of new faces to me in there this year and I've had a couple send me home in pain and refuse to do a troponin blood test and yet it's written in my files from Cardiology, that an intitial troponin blood test has to be done because of the surprise NSTEMI's that have cropped up over time ....I think it's merely in place to cover their backsides...