Tibalone & Weight
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Tiblone is the best HRT ever; it completely stopped my hot flushes & mood swings. My GP recently warned me about stroke risk because of my advanced age (69) & I cut down to 1/2 a tablet (1.25mg) per day about three months ago. I've now lost about 5kgs in weight. GP said it's not possible that this has caused my weight loss & sent me for a CT colonography to check for colon cancer. The result has just come back as non-urgent. Could this reduced dose of Tibalone have caused the weight loss after all?
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froggy28 maureen52861
maureen52861 froggy28
karen96338 maureen52861
I absolutely think it was the reduction in HRT, I reduced my dosage down to half a tablet and I too lost weight, I now take the full 2mg dose again and I have put it back on, for me the relief I get is worth the extra couple of kgs, but I should not worry too much about what your GP says, why do they always have to make it sound like you are going to become ill if you take HRT
For me it has changed my life and in UK where I live I have just watched a documentary where they now think it is a good thing to be on due to osteo arthritus etc., I think us Girls should just do what we feel and know is best, listen to our own bodies, after all, no-one knows them like us!! Take care x
barbara92906 karen96338
..ah sorry, it wont let me paste!!..i copied but not pasting..but you wil see it under Maurenn where i replied..must be me age after all...no , i just cannot paste it though..all the best to all.
barbara92906 maureen52861
froggy28 barbara92906
karen96338 froggy28
I could open the link Thank you for that, be interesting reading for you too Barbara, it is on the same lines as what I saw on TV, like I said it is down to the individual we know what we need and what works for us, for me the quality of life it gives me far outways any negative side effects, if you suffer with certain illnesses of course you should be looking at side effects but if you are relatively healthy then I personally think it is worth taking.
Lots of Love x
barbara92906 froggy28
barbara92906 karen96338
barbara92906 froggy28
froggy28 barbara92906
Emotionologist maureen52861
tracy02556 maureen52861
Hi Maureen I have been on tibolone for nearly 3 months gained so much weight it's making me feel reaily down you say you split your tablet in half how did you manage this with out shattering it its so small