Tibolone Hrt

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Hi ladies.

Have any ladies on here taken Tibolone HRT as I have been prescribed it for peri menopause. I have researched it online but it's quite mixed and say it's for post menopause. I am mainly worried about it making my aura migrains worse as haven't had one for over 3 months. Any experiences would be very helpful.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Sarah, 

    I was on Tibolone for 4 months before my full hysterectomy and stage 4 Endometriosis excision and it helped me no end. I had prostap injections to send me into a chemical menopause due to my Endometriosis and adenomyosis symptoms  If I had to go back and start again wouldn’t hesitate to use Tibolone again. 

    Really hope this helps. 

    All the very best 

    Shaz. Xx

  • Posted

    Hi Sarah

    This is only my 3rd day on it, Im in the throes menopause atm . Had a hysterectomy 2 years ago, one ovary left.

    I'll keep you updated pros/cons as it kicks in more.

    So far it's seems to have instantly helped reduce the symptoms of constant head tingling a lot (mri showed a few non specific white spots on brain and neck full of arthritis, bone spurs etc. I was sure I had MS!) so whether hormones contributed or not is yet to be determined.

    Hot flushes had stopped prior to starting, but anxiety, muscle and joint pain were an issue. Especially anxiety levels which took me by surprise as Im not typically an anxious type.

    I thought I would breeze through menopause, I couldn't have been more wrong!

    Hope this hrt suits you.

  • Posted

    Hi Sarah 

    tibolene is a brilliant hrt I was on it for 2 years and felt great it’s great for anxiety low mood only thing for me was too low and I still had a few hot flushes and bleeding but I can highly recomend if it is the right dose for you, it is one of the best ones I have allot of my older friend on it in their sixths sevenths and even my consultant wife on it so give it time , I am now finally balances after 15 months spotting and low moods we found out o am progesterone intolerant so that why tibolene was so good for me. Any way I am sorted with patch’s and a natural gel every 3 months and regulars scans on womb which are all good so I am again on top of the world . We are all individuals so go with you not what othere say negative on forums, like  with most hrt medication and  for that matter any other meds  it is trial &  error on what suits you but tibolene has a great rep and I should know I went into menopause at 37 now 56 and been on that many different types and combination hrt , tibolene was for sure  top of my list for wellbeing moods and cogentive brain . Good luck 😉 

  • Posted

    Thanks ladies, hopefully I will feel better on it when I feel brave enough to take it lol like I said in my first post It's migrains I'm worried about as forgot to mention it to doc.

  • Posted

    I tried it for a while during my peri at 41. It didn’t suit me cause I needed more potent estrogen. I am on cyclical type now. 
  • Posted

    Hi ladies, what dose were you taking? Mine is 2.5 mg tablet.
  • Posted

    Hi Sarah

    I thought I posted a reply but ut seems to have disappeared. Sorry if this appears twice.

    Same as you, 2.5mg daily.

  • Posted

    Hi ladies

    I am on day 1 so hears hoping I will feel better on it as felt pretty low today and have had headache every day for last week then Friday started with a rough throat feeling and tickely cough keeping me awake at night so I'll keep you posted on any positive effects or side effects.

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