Tibolone long term?
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Hi Girls,
I have been taking Tibolone for 7 years, and there has always been fors and against taking them. I would like to share my pesonal experience, I was told by my Doctor to try and wean myself off them as I had hit that crucial stahe of 5 years where they do not recommend that you take them any further! I did what they asked and for three months I reduced to half per day, recommended rather than one every other day, I have to admit I managed well, didn't really have a huge impact, so I thought I would try half every other day to reduce it further, within a week, my symptoms came back with a vengeance, I felt generally unwell, my bones hurt, headaches, mood swings and panic, it was horrific, so on that basis I spoke to my Gp and I have restarted my Livial, one per day, to say that these tablets change my life is an understatement, for me personally the beefits far outway the supposed risks, I am happy I will take them for many years to come as long as you are checked I really don't see why you should suffer if you don't have to? Good Luck to you all and I hope that this post will at least make you feel a bit more relaxed. My Gp said that some women can manage after 5 years of HRT but some need it up until ten years depending on the severity of your symptoms, All Gp's are different, I think they just have to stand on the side of caution as with any drugs, For me, no-one knows my body like me, and if it makes me feel well and able to function normally then I am all for it, Tibolone for me has been a lifesaver and long may it be prescribed for us Girls.
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tracy12090 karen96338
For anyone considering the Mona Lisa laser treatment. I also discussed this with my Dr recently. Although she's not up-to-date with all the details she said in theory it sounds good. But as I have overhealing ( keloid) she would be concerned about scarring in my case from the laser.
Hoping they find some alternative in the future with less risks for us all :-)
karen96338 tracy12090
barbara92906 karen96338
karen96338 barbara92906
I am in the UK and I am 55 years old 56 in january, i will keep taking them I have spoken this morning with my GP and he agree's that i can keep taking them I have tried twice to come off on both occasions i felt awful, so i am taking my own advice it works for me and that's all I need to know, i hope that you are happy, like you will take them for life why suffer when you don't have to? it is sad to hear that Doctor's do not listen to Women menopause for some can be debilitating whilst other's sail through it, for me I am not in the latter group, i wish!! so I am blowing sunshine on the Tibolone drug for me as I said before it is 2mg of heaven.
tracy12090 karen96338
If it improves my quality of life then I'm all for it. There are many medical conditions we will secumb to regardless of the hrt.
I feel for you Barbara, it must be hard enough without menopausal symptoms x
barbara92906 karen96338
barbara92906 karen96338
tracy12090 barbara92906
Have a lovely weekend x
karen96338 barbara92906
georgina88796 karen96338
ahead and got back on Livial. I have now been off of Livial, after being
on for about 15 years on and off..........slowly have gone off, got a headache
upon reducing my dose but still persisted on a slowly with drawal thru
almost 2 and a half months and now I have been cold turkey for the last
2 weeks. I have noticed that my skin is much drier, much much so.......
my eyeballs are drier too and I don't think I am depressed, as I am sure
to take Fish Oil and COQ10......and all my other vitamins........but I do not
feel the same........it is not the old me.............as I live in the States, you
can not buy it here, but my next best bet is to buy something to try and
replace it at the health food store..........if this does not go well I will try
and ask my girlfriends who go abroad to pick it up for me and bring me
back a 6 months stash which if I only take half a pill a day will last me
1 year. I am not a happy camper right now, but will wait and see what
happens to me in 1 months time. Tks. for your input. I guess my body
really got use to taking for 15 years. I am very healthy so far, no aches
or pains.....oh yes..........I have less facial hair on my jawbone.......as I
am turning into a prune.....heh.....heh......
karen96338 georgina88796
georgina88796 karen96338
hair, nothing I can't pluck out daily.........but what I meant to say
was that now without the Livial I have less........maybe that is
what I should had of done before, have it waxed.........although
I know it is painful. I have to wait a while for my girlfriends to
bring me a supply of Livial, ................do you live in England?
And what would one do in the way of health food store supplies
to keep ones skin more moist, I am reading up on that and there
are so many herbs that I do not know which one to choose.....
plus they say soy protein.........but we get enough soy anyways
in our daily diet.......without wanting to that is.........oh well..........
I will just sit this one out and observe what happens without the
Livial...........and just remind myself that soon in a few months time
I can get my supply. Take care..........and thanks for replying.
All the Best.......G
karen96338 georgina88796
georgina88796 karen96338
moist. I will look for coconut oil and cream in the pharmacies
here in the States. I will also look for Alpro Soya. I drink a Soya
cream everyday in my cup of tea......but that is only 2 or 4 tablespoons of soya cream.......I don't have hot flashes, too old
for that, ................I have been reading up last night on menopause
and the pros and cons of taking HRT..........I was so in love with
Livial that I never read any of that..............so it seems that I am
doing my heart and other parts of my body a favor as they say
HRT can cause some cancers........( I don't believe that.......but
that is what they say) The pro is that if you take Livial is that you
are protected against colon cancer and your skin is softer and you
age slower physically (skin and wrinkle wise) and it protects you
against some other kind of cancer and of course is great for your
bones........anyways...........I am trying to humor myself and convince
myself that I have done the right thing by going off of it..........I am
a little stubborn..........but I am going to take you advice and try
coconut oil, I had heard that it was good for cooking and salads??
I think Barbara is right , it would be great fun to meet someplace
and be able to discuss this all in person..........am off to bed, it is
now 11:15 p.m. and if it is cold and rainey in England it is here
too........fall is coming and I am not accustomed to the cold weather!!
Good night to all. xo G
barbara92906 georgina88796
georgina88796 barbara92906
reading up on HRT, so........I see that Livial protects you from
colon cancer, and some other cancer and keeps your bones
in good shape and skin and protects you against wrinkles....
but.......it is not good for your heart, nor other cancers like breast,
etc, etc.....but what upset me was they said that HRT treatment
one had a bigger possibility of getting alzheimers and dementia.
So I am still researching on that one, before I decide if I will go
back on Livial in the next 5 or 6 months. I don't have hot flashes
anymore......But yes, I think you must speak to your doctor and
tell them about coming down hill once you stopped taking Livial,
and telling her that you need to speak to her longer than 10
minutes.........write down all your questions and end it with saying
you want to be put back on Livial, that right now you are not feeling
quite that well and why can't they write you a prescription for Livial?
With the little I have read on your emails, I know you have the
gumpshin (spelling?) to do that!!! You are "Worth It Barbara"!!!
Lots of Love. G Hope all goes well with your doctor reunion!!
barbara92906 georgina88796