Tibolone ? patches

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Hi all   I need some info.  My GP has prescribed me Tibolone ( Livial) and says it is only available orally..  Does anyone know if it is available in patches?  Have read online about Testim Gel but don't know if you can get it now.  Any advice would be great x

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    It's difficult if you are wanting HRT for lack of libido. You will be led to believe that you need a doctor's prescription for testosterone. You can get it online (I'm sorry I cannot tell you where) without one.

    I have been told I will not be allowed to comment on this forum if I say the name of the product and where to buy it.

    I came across it whilst researching testosterone for women.

    Anyway I got some and it improved my sex life a lot. I then asked my GP who will not test or prescribe testosterone for HRT. This helped with other symptoms such as being too hot depression and anxiety and stopped sex from feeling like I had sand in there.

    I had tried livial before but had side effects from it.

    You can get gel estrogen and patches and just take the progesterone part as pills so missing the digestive process and liver for part of the month (I take the progesterone for 12 days).

    You can also get combi patches with both in.

    Livial is the only HRT containing some form of testosterone.

    My next move in the quest to try testosterone was to go private. I can tell you they are not all as expensive as the first ones you come across who want to do loads of blood tests and see you every three months but again I'm not allowed to name names.

    As far as I'm aware the testosterone I use is the only one in the world especially formulated for women (hope this info is allowed and will help if you do some research).

    • Posted

      Hi Zigangie

      thank you so much for replying and for your comprehensive advice!  OMG I can so identify with your words, especially the sand in the lady bits during sex feeling!  It's so uncomfortable!  I would love to know what the online testosterone stuff is lol!  Sorry I am a bit confused about this bit of your answer "You can get gel estrogen and patches and just take the progesterone part as pills so missing the digestive process and liver for part of the month (I take the progesterone for 12 days).  xx

    • Posted


      With tibolone you take a pill which has to be broken down by the liver and go through your digestive system.

      The gel is a plant based estrogen like livial but you apply it to your skin so you are avoiding the liver etc. I still have to take the progesterone part by mouth although a few ladies apparently use it effectively vaginally. The only reason I haven't tried this is because my husband still seems to have the sex drive of a teenager and I'm not sure what effect it would have on him.

      With the HRT I use I apply 2 pumps of gel to either my upper arms or inner thighs every day and take the progesterone part as pills the first 12 days of every calender month. This results in a bleed from day 7 or 8 to 13 or 14.

      As I said I tried tibolone and after some research found the one I'm using and asked the doctor for it. She said that this one is more natural.

      Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      Also I don't think this will be moderated if I say I get the testosterone from an Australia company.

      Also I was really worried when I first got it, thinking that without tests etc. It may be harmful. Then after further reading I found out that some menopause specialist's don't test for it anyway. So I stick to the recommended amount advised by the company.

      Some women don't seem to worry about not being interested in sex, but it's always been a big part of my life and I found that after my periods had stopped a couple of years it was not lack of libido or even no libido. I was really finding sex to be dislike able. It hurt and I was getting zero pleasure from it.

      That changed after a few days on testosterone that I was enjoying it again but it was still not that comfortable so that's the main reason for asking for the HRT.

      However I was so surprised at just how many things I'd been putting up with and in some cases just gotten used to that have changed for the better quite quickly especially from the estrogen part.

      I'm now something like I was in early peri and hoping it may yet improve further as I'm on about week 10 of the HRT and week 12 of the testosterone (they say with the testosterone you are at the peak of benefits at about 9 months).

      Hope this info helps you find the answers you seek a lot faster than it did me.

    • Posted

      I can't thank you enough Zigangie.  I am pretty desperate to feel better and recover the sex drive, even fantasizing is impossible, but scared to death.  I will research the gel and the progesterone orally that you mention.  Thanks for giving me hope x x 
    • Posted

      Glad to help. I also forgot to say not all progesterone is the same. You should be able to find the one I'm on if you search for micronised progesterone.

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