Tibolone stopped working
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Hi. I am 50 and have ben taking Tiboline since May 2015. The first few months it was brilliant. I could sleep better, no hot flashes or night sweats and libido was amazing. But the last 3 months things started changing. It seems that my body got used to it and I have bad insomnia again, night sweats are back , libido gone low. I am still taking it and hopping that it will work again. I did put on a stone in weight, lots of facial hair and in my legs too. My hair roots on my head have gone really curly . Has anyone experienced that ?
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jennifer22182 Guest
georgina88796 Guest
now, but now that you speak of your hair going curly, I remembered that
my hair got very wavey at first, then very curly........I thought it was because
I had lost lots of weight, and then lost my hair in parts and then it grew back very very wavey and then curley.......I put it down to menopause,
never thinking it could had of been the Livial, my hair was that way for
about 3 or 4 years and then went back to being normal again. I guess
you could say it was the Livial. I also got more fuzzy hair on my jawbone
which I had to pluck out with twizzers every day, just a few, .......but I think
this too is part of menopause and has nothing to do with hormone pill, I
think some women who do not take hormones have this happen too. I also
have been diagnosed with breast cancer and have since gone off of Livial,
but have discovered that there was a study done in 2009 where they have
put woman on Livial, plus tamoxifen and raloxifen to "help prevent" breast
cancer in old women.......Interesting.......I must ask my oncologist what she
thinks about that. Do you think that maybe you are forgetting to take
Livial everyday and have skipped some days?? I did that some times
and would start to spot a little blood and once I remembered to do it
every day the spotting would go away.....anyways........what I want to say
is that Livial has been wonderful for me, and I would suggest you stick it
out........your libido will get better and hot flashes should go away......but
if you are stressed out, you will get insomnia........I do not remember
Livial letting me sleep better........I wish you all the very best....G
Guest georgina88796
froggy28 Guest
Guest froggy28
roos_de_geer Guest
shirley352 roos_de_geer
roos_de_geer Guest
Guest roos_de_geer
georgina88796 Guest
my tummy, 2 times a day and it does not interfere with my
Livial when I took it, have you checked to see if your Tibolone
has not expired, and are you taking Livial (trademark), my doc
insisted that I take Livial and to beware of other tiblone marks
because he said sometimes quality control is not so good, but
that was because I was in Central America. I think you should
go back to the doctor and see whats what........I only spotted if
I forgot to take my dosage, but not like a full period and never
painful. Anyways ..........now I am off Livial and going for radiation
treatment for cancer and all I hear is ..........here in the States
they no longer give you HRT, and I reply like a broken record,
"It was the best thing that happened to me to take Tiblone".....
then they repeat that breast cancer in States is down because
women don't take HRT that much.......then I read my favorite
book on Suzanne Sommers (whom had breast cancer) and all
the hormones she still is on in spite of cancer......so you really
do not know whom to believe.......but definitely I would go back
to my gynecologist and see why you are still bleeding? All the
best to you. G
Guest georgina88796
roos_de_geer Guest
georgina88796 Guest
that, so I guess in some cases the quality control is not so good
and probably had less Tiblone than was required. In Central America there is a big price difference between Livial and the
generic Tiblone, so I guess there is a reason for that........???
Hope all goes well with you. Sincerely, G
georgina88796 roos_de_geer
in Livial is testosterone? So now that I am off Livial, and my
libido has sank, I can get it up again with testosterone? Are
there any foods with that? I know I have to be careful, because
I could grow hair on my chest heh....heh......not a pretty sight.
But I will tell you that after leaving Livial now for 5 months the
peach fuzz I had around chin has left, and I did not get depressed, but I do feel different.......the Livial makes you kind
of shine more, and gives you more energy. Yesterday my
oncologist said that the lack of HRT or estrogen hormone makes
you foggier in the head, and not so vibrant........oh well, and so
it is...............G
Guest georgina88796
roos_de_geer georgina88796
georgina88796 Guest
georgina88796 roos_de_geer
Guest roos_de_geer
georgina88796 Guest
Livial 2.5mg tiblona made by Schering-Plough and it cost
just a few cents under U.S.50.00, but it does not say in what
country it was made in. The box is white and the letters are
in tourqoise (light) and darker tourqoise. It that what you get
in the UK? This is sold in Central and South America.
georgina88796 Guest
box made by Schering-Plough and it is made in Brazil, and it
cost about US$50.00 the box, sorry about that, I just reread
the box and caught that it was made in Brazil. This is the good
stuff, because it says Livial on it.
Guest georgina88796
roos_de_geer Guest
Guest roos_de_geer
roos_de_geer Guest
georgina88796 roos_de_geer
on in the late morning....yes it sure is good stuff!!! I was Wonder
Woman, and sure do miss it, but have never taken at night time.
I think they say you have to take the same time every day, my
gynecologist said to take when I got up and I guess so I would
not forget, like brushing your teeth??
georgina88796 Guest
recommended to me, can't remember who she was, but to use
coconut oil for dryness, specially now that I will be taking an
estrogen blocker which will dry me up like a prune, ........and the
oncologist gave me a phamphlet on things of what to expect and
what to do about it, and sure enough coconut oil was in the
phamphlet......I know you ladies don't need it, but just want to
let you know that that is good stuff too!!! All my very best to
you Sueli50, and am so glad that if you insist that you will get
the real McCoy!!! Good talking to you and roos de geer!! May
God Bless You Both!!! xo G
shirley352 roos_de_geer
roos_de_geer shirley352