Tight Neck
Posted , 9 users are following.
Hi Ladies
do any of you get a tight neck? x
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Posted , 9 users are following.
Hi Ladies
do any of you get a tight neck? x
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tracy01120 sharon03238
interesting you asked. because I'm 51 and on no medications and very healthy....then 4 months ago it felt like something was lodged in my throat and or a sore throat. I googled it and came across a condition related to peri menopause/menopause that's called globus Hystericus. look it up. Yes my neck also sometimes feels tight. went to my Dr and she looked n saw nothing. it seems to be quote common. the only other symptom I have is sudden dizziness every once in a while. but it goes away after a few minutes. Dr says throat issue most likely caused by stress....i disagree because I'm happy. I think it's menopause related. hope this helps. keep me posted ok. hugs
lisa95354 sharon03238
Hey Sharon, I get it something awful, try a product called, “stop pain," I’ve actually used that for years and I absolutely love it. You can get it at basically any pharmacy, Walmart, Walgreens CVS etc. do you also find it difficult to find a comfortable pillow, I swear no pillow for me ever works out. I will never buy down feather pillows again, they make your head feel like it’s on fire. They hold heat like no other pillow I’ve ever used. I was up most the night with that stiff neck last night. also magnesium helps to loosen muscles, you may want to try that out. Best wishes xo
sharcerv52408 lisa95354
Hi Lisa,
I have the same problem with finding a good pillow too. I ordered a my pillow and they guaranteed it to be the best pillow and I still get neck pain. I think it's muscle tension or sometimes migraine related. One day I had to walk around with my head craned in an awkward position just to get some relief. It's awful! I am rejoicing in the hope that one day these symptoms will pack up and go bye-bye.
juanita93228 sharon03238
Yes, I do neck exercises every day.
susan39015 sharon03238
Yes and it feels like it causes the rest of my bidy to shut down and not function properly, like everything all my organs. I feel like the tin man and gumby at the same time if thats possible. stiff but shaky and wobbly at the same time.
sunaina1983 sharon03238
Yes me too having neck issues alot in peri
wendy36287 sharon03238
am now experiencing this. its horrible no meds helping. took my bp it was great ,am so tired and fed up . period in a few days.
laurie19311 sharon03238
Yes! I feel like I have it all the time, and I feel like it affects my head and balance. It's really not a pleasant feeling!
lisa95354 laurie19311
Morning Laurie… This is very strange, Susan had mentioned the same thing about it putting her off balance, it has myself as well. I thought I was just having off days with this. I don’t understand how a stiff neck can put our entire body off balance. It’s to the point where I almost feel like I have vertigo and I’m literally losing my balance walking. I’ll go around the corner and lose my footing and feel unstable when I go to the grocery store or any store. It’s hard to explain, I don’t feel steady. I should point out that I no longer get my period, but if I did this would be the time that I would be menstruating, I still get horrible pain in my body. last night in bed my toes literally felt like they were curling up with arthritis and my feet have hurt terrible this week. I sometimes wonder if it’s the barometric pressure as well affecting all these symptoms. I just told my friend the other day... I wonder if this lasts for the rest of our lives, I am three years post menopause. what I mean is if we’re still going to get symptoms around when we used to menstruate and ovulate. I mean think about it we ovulate and then straight for like 40 to 50 years of our lives, those symptoms are going to stop overnight. I still even got cramping when my period would’ve been and when I was ovulating 1 to 2 years post menopause. Today I’m also having major eye issues, fuzzy... constantly blinking, but that could be the lack of sleep 😉 or allergies. I guess that means we get symptoms from our symptoms ...lolIt’s very difficult to sleep. I’ve been up most the night the past few nights. I’ve tried a heating pad, topical pain balms, different pillows. I also have fibromyalgia and I can never find a good pillow. I have the pillow graveyard in my attic 😉 as I rotate them hoping ...one day... I’ll find the perfect fit. I even bought a water pillow from the chiropractor, what a waste of money. One of the women on here says she does neck exercises. are usually try to support on here, I’ve ended up on a rant, sorry I really digressed here. I find that at this time, again, when my period would’ve been, I’m very weepy, very moody very edgy. I just don’t understand what God was thinking when he made our bodies this way. Why give us hormones that you’re gonna rip away from us and midlife and they can put us a danger of a stroke, heart attack or other diseases. Man… I know women are strong… I know we are multitaskers and really we do the majority of things in every situation/relationships, and I know where the gathers, but this is a little much. I mean sweet Jesus, puberty, periods, sore breast, childbearing, aggression for men, and now this 😉 anyway, my very long point of the story is, you’re not alone. xo
laurie19311 sharon03238
Yes! I feel like I have it all the time, and I feel like it affects my head and balance. It's really not a pleasant feeling!