Tightening / band

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Hi, had TKR 14 weeks ago. Bend is good, however I have a  tightening band around knee, I have a burning feeling , very sensitive to material touch, also gives way occasionally and I stagger, pain at night that wakes me.

Mentioned this to consultant today, he said it's quite normal nothing to worry about. Probably scar tissue  I have a good bend, see how I go and come back in 3 months .  Taking paracetamol and codene for pain. 

Has anyone else got or had this? 

Kind regards 

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    That is  totally normal it will go away with time. I am now five months post surgery and finally feeling somewhat normal. Just keep icing and doing your exercises and hopefully time will make it better. Hang tough everyone is different. Mary
  • Posted

    It's normal. I am 4 and 1/2 months post TKR. I have been massaging the band every day with cold pressed organic castor oil since 4 weeks after the incision healed. My physical therapist said small circular movements would break up the scar tissue and it did. The band has disappeared and I have greater movement. Good Luck! 

  • Posted

    I'm 16 weeks out from a tkr and have similar symptoms.   My surgeon was not very helpful but I'm on my second PT.  He is outstanding and is working with me on exercise and massaging my leg.  He also works on other parts of my body as he's a believer in treating the whole body.  Keep plugging away!


  • Posted

    Don't worry, as you have been told, it is very normal! As you continue doing leg strengthening exercises the giving way will improve. Are you doing strengthening exercises?

    • Posted

      I did not like doing them but my physio had me doing mini squats which were hard but helped. As you swim might be an idea to get some ankle floats and do some pool exercises. Lots on Google so no need for expensive hydrotherapy. I still do pool exercises at six months and still notice improvements so take heart it really does continue to improve. If you look at my profile you can see how to get to my patient story which may be encouraging. Best wishes!
    • Posted

      Hi Jenny,

      I use fit finns in the pool, also do squats. I swim / exercise for an hour. Use steam room where I streach and do deep tissue massage.  My bend is 125 degrees, my quads are strong.

      But my knee still gives way, also locks if I stand still with leg straight have to ease down in a gentle squat to get it moving again.. 🤷???

    • Posted

      Hopefully it will improve, you are certainly putting the effort in! As consultant advised reveiw in a few months there is some peace of mind in that! Things do continue to improve over time.
  • Posted

    Pretty similar in my case, though my bend was not great due to super tight scar tissue and needed manipulation. I'm at 5 months post op now and progress has been slow with small gains rather than big leaps ahead. Strangely enough, I have noticed if I just ignore my knee and get on with daily life, it is less bother than if I give it attention and do lots of special exercises etc. Massages, oiling the knee, extra stretches all seem to annoy it! Although these actions were useful in the early days for sure.

    ?I keep up a bit of pedalling on the little machine daily and a few stretches, lots of walking and a bit of vitamin E cream applied. Ice if very sore and gentle heat if just achy. The tight band feeling is still there, some days more than others but it is maybe easing a little now, fingers xd.

    ?My other knee is starting to get worse now, maybe from taking the strain, but I am no way ready to sign up for that one yet as the first TKR has taken so much energy and I am not in the best of general health at the moment.

    ?I wish you all the luck in the world with the rest of your recovery - and all the other TKR warriors out there!


  • Posted

    I had TKR 5 years ago. It affected my sleeping pattern. Initially I would go to bed and sleep for an hour or two. Then I would wake up with my knee aching and could not get back to sleep. Although I do not wake up in pain with my knee now I still often wake up in the night and I hardly ever used to that.

    Having said that my TKR has been a complete success and I hope yours is the sasme.

    Take care and keep in touch

    Sarah xxx

  • Posted

    I too had TRR 14 weeks ago, I too am experiencing a tightening band around my knee. I also have a burning feeling, however its not sensitive to the touch.  My bend is good but my knee stiffensd and my bend regresses to about 90. If i exerecise more i can get back to about 110-115. It just doesnt stay . I have to constantly work at it. My doctor says I just have to wait it out.
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    The "tight band feeling" will go away in time.  Docs say that it can last 12-18 months.  I'm 18 months post-op and I rarely feel it anymore. The "hot, sensitive" feeling falls into the same category but will resolve much sooner.  To alleviate the sensitivity to clothing or bedsheets, wrap your knee loosely with an elastic sports (ACE) bandage or get a knee compression sleeve one size larger than you would normally use.  Eliminates the cloth contact and with it, the sensitivity.  Problem solved.

  • Posted

    I a man at 14 weeks to and yeah this  happening  to me to yes he told me   That it was normal to 


    • Posted

      I just hate this feeling! Sometimes it's not so bad, but if I stiffen it gets tighter.

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