Tingling hands and feet
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I just spent the last few days with tingling in my fingers and feet just wondering has anybody els experienced this and if so have you found anything that has helped with this.
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MrsMerm ali43641
yes have had this, another delightful Meno/peri-meno symtom
spent so much wasted time thinking I was getting MS, neurological disorder???
Go with the flow,
you may be stuck with a while but IT'S GONE now and I'm sure your sensations will go to
as I am not an MD I can't explain right now why we get it and what causes our bodies to do this but there probably is some scientific reason
Don't worry though
elaine68190 ali43641
ali43641 elaine68190
victoria94465 ali43641
Yes I have had these symptoms and actually wrote an almost identical post about two months ago.
My tingling was more apparent in my left had but also present in my left and a little in my feet. My GP but it down to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome which obviously didnt explain the feet.
My GYN seemed to think it was circulatory not peri but I'm sure hormones are involved.
Mine lasted for about five (very worring) weeks. During that time I had two sessions of acupuncture which stopped the tingling for about four days. On both occassions it returned by did seem milder when it came back. Then the two things I did that seemed to stop the final remaining tingling were i) a deep tissue massage and ii) use a high strength vitamin B12 patch (which you wear on your skin for 24 hours once a week) - you can find them on amazon from a company called Vie Patch. As I tried both the massage and patch within 24 hours of each other its difficult to know which made the difference or perhaps it was the combination.
Also I found that yoga helped.
ali43641 victoria94465
Zigangie ali43641
Try and get tested for b12. When I had tingling hands and feet in early peri I was 140 pg/ml.
Here in the UK under 200 is considered low in other countries 500 would be.
My GP gave me b12 injections and got mine back up to 380.
I still suffer occasionally and when I do I use vie b12 patches once a week with a Jarrow b12 lozenge every day also.
B12 is water soluble so you cannot really overdose on it. You get rid of excess in urine.
Indeed your body cannot absorb all the b12 from the patches or lozenges so your pee may look yellow anyway.
If I do this for a few weeks it makes the tingling go away for ages.
Hope this helps.