Posted , 5 users are following.
Hi can anyone tell me if they get a funny sensation down one side of there face with the headache fells like its numb but it isnt x
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Posted , 5 users are following.
Hi can anyone tell me if they get a funny sensation down one side of there face with the headache fells like its numb but it isnt x
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grahammolyneux joycemadine
Hi Joyce,
Yes I have 3 disc bulges worst at c5c6 and I get these types of feelings regularly.
It is hard to describe but that's about right.
I also get a strange feeling in my scalp like it's tapping on card board.
joycemadine grahammolyneux
sharon3878 grahammolyneux
Hi, Grahammolyneux,
i have a prolapse at C5-6 also and i get the following
>pressure in the nose
>puffy eyelids
>dead arms more to the left side
> pins and needles, tingling from the shoulder to the finger tips
>sharp shooting pains behind my left ear
>vertigo, with dizziness, and slight nausea
>numbness on left side of the face slightly
>tongue gets tired if chewing on food too much
>nasal drip at the back of the throat
>neck tightness, stiffness
>blurry vision occasionally in the left eye, and eyes will bloodshot
>upper body weakness
>burning sensation between the shoulder blades
>earaches and tinnitus
>legs occasionally feel light when walking
>mind lapses literally for a second, like brain fog
>fumbling cant grip 100% with my hands
>sensitive to light and smells
are yours the same symtoms considering its involving the same disc as yours???
joycemadine sharon3878
Hi Thanks for your reply.. I have exactly the same things as you do everyone of those symptoms you have descrobed is the same .I have a prolapse as well .I am just pleased I am not the only one with thhose symptoms I feel for you cos I know what its like It scares me at times cos I think I am having a litle stroke when my face goes funny but it doesnt look any different when I look in the morror xx
laura48798 joycemadine
My pain started about 3 weeks ago after seeing my physio and having my neck cracked, could this be the cause of my problems?
laura48798 joycemadine
Joyce I am the same as you and I really don't know what's causing it???
laura48798 sharon3878
How were you diagnosed ??
laura48798 grahammolyneux
I get these feelings and I'm getting the results from my neck X-ray, I'll keep you posted.
sharon3878 joycemadine
Hi, Joycemadine,
i have a neck disc prolapse and i have numbness, tingling and sometimes nerve twitches to the face, arm, and tongue which needs a further investigating on a second MRI towards the final treatment for me,
the symptoms i have daily are......
>pressure in the nose
>puffy eyelids
>dead arms more to the left side
> pins and needles, tingling from the shoulder to the finger tips
>sharp shooting pains behind my left ear
>vertigo, with dizziness, and slight nausea
>numbness on left side of the face slightly
>tongue gets tired if chewing on food too much
>nasal drip at the back of the throat
>neck tightness, stiffness
>blurry vision occasionally in the left eye, and eyes will bloodshot
>upper body weakness
>burning sensation between the shoulder blades
>earaches and tinnitus
>legs occasionally feel light when walking
>mind lapses literally for a second, like brain fog
>fumbling cant grip 100% with my hands
>sensitive to light and smells
joycemadine sharon3878
grahammolyneux sharon3878
I hope that you have had some results by now and they are trying to help you.
wearybird99 sharon3878
wearybird99 joycemadine
laura48798 wearybird99
I have the same feelings , did the GP diagnose you?
I'm seeing my GP tomorrow so will ask her
wearybird99 laura48798
Hi Laura, TY so much for responding.. I just went 2 weeks ago to a Neurologist and I am scheduled for Brain and Cervical MRI's on Monday. Crazy to say but, I am excited to get this mystery good or bad over with. something is certainly very wrong. Just PRAYING nothing too too serious.. How are you feeling??
laura48798 wearybird99
I had an X-ray today on my neck so now it's the waiting game that see if they find anything (which I hope they don't), the tingling in my nose is unbearable at times and I hate feeling this way