Tingling in hands & feet

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Hi - I am 60 years old, 5 years since my last period.  I have been experiencing horrible symptoms at least for the last 3 years.  I was also on a horrific blood pressure RX that caused similar side effects as menopause, so the lines are blurred as to whether what I suffered last night is still fall out from the bad B/P RX (off of it for 4 months now, but was on it for 5 years) or is this a menopause issue.  So last night I experienced tingling in my hands & feet (started at the top of my feet and radiated up to the calves & also hands) I thought maybe I had a pinched nerve - I have had this in the past, but never so severe.  Thinking it was a pinched nerve, I took an Advil & went to bed.  I woke up with a pain in my heart (severe gas) then palpitations & today headachy, brain fog, very vascular feeling face & some flushing....just feel like caa caa.  Has anybody else felt this way & is this caused from plummeting progesterone?  My glucose is normal and the tingling in extremities kinda subsided during the day, but is back....just can’t figure it out. Help! I hate this!

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Debra, you are 5 years into menopause. If I were you I’d go get checked to make sure all is ok with your heart etc.. Don’t assume those symptoms are hormone related. I hope they are, but best to be safe. 
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      Hi Suzanne - Thank you for your response - I had a complete physical with my GP 5 months ago & all my labs checked out & I have had fairly recent echos & a cardio treadmill stress test a couple of years ago & all was fine.  I recently went to a Naturopath who requested that I get a Calcium Score  CT scan to determine plaque in arteries & I am happy to report I have 0 plaque build-up.  I did suffer with electric shock like sensations when I was on the dreaded BP RX  and am still on another BP drug.  I hate this always trying to figure out what is wrong & what is causing these symptoms - unfortunately, my Mother suffered with horrible menopause symptoms for years & I can’t help but think I am my Mothers Dayghter.  When I went to the Naturopath, she told me my hormone levels were very low, but balanced & I have been taking some herbal remedies to combat some of my issues.  I was just wondering if anybody else experienced the tingling then the heart palps, flushing then headache - thanks!

  • Posted

    I am also 60 I haven't had a period since June 2016, but have had horrid symptoms for MANY years! I have recently well the last two months tingling, numbers and weird feeling down my entire right leg!  I have had bad high blood pressure for years and have never taken meds for it mainly hormonal, white cot, panic high blood pressure I take magnesium for it right now but not so sure its doing the job. I went through a horrible panic anxiety attacks  with fear of sugar dropping to low and ate 24/7 long story BUT I gained tons of weight I was already FAT! My sugar went from low to in the 200's I am a mess and trying to fight this things I have stopped the 24/7 eating but still need to work on other things health wise. Doctors scare the living daylights out of me so I avoid them as much as possible. Now I deal with Diverticulitis - high blood pressure- Sugar all over the place- been obese - depression- loneliness and could use a friend for daily support, chat if anyone is interested in texting via cell phone private  message for my cell phone number. I am a good listener and also make a good friend :-) 

    • Posted

      Hi there crosado8 - I totally get how you are feeling.  After being on 2 Blood Pressure RX’s for the past 5 years (took myself off the wicked one 4 months ago) I am here to tell you that Blood Pressure RX’s are basic poison.  They may lower your Blood Pressure, but cause other unpleasant side effects.  I suffer terribly from “white coat syndrome” & my blood pressure skyrockets at the drs, but when I take it at home it’s not too bad.  After years of having my GP only offer me antidepressants & anti-anxiety & more Blood Pressure RX’s, I decided to seek out a Naturopath to find out the cause of my Elevated B/P,  not to just treat the symptoms.  After extensive thyroid, adrenal stress, Calcium CT scan, I found out that I have very little hormones left, high cortisol levels, elevated inflammation levels & my glucose should really be below 100 - I am overweight & have not exercised in like 3 years because I have felt so horrible with all my side effects from the bad drug I was on & I suppose all these symptoms of menopause that have come out full throttle.  I don’t believe there is a symptom on the list of 65 menopause symptoms that I haven’t experienced. ugh! My takeaway from the Naturopath was I needed to stop eating bad carbs & sugar,  taking herbal remedies to try & keep my hormones balanced, drink holy basil tea to help reduce inflammation, another stress reducing powder, a cortisol balancer (all herbal) .  I truly believe that all the issues woman have with thyroid, cholesterol, high blood pressure/sugar weight gain tends to stem from an imbalance in our hormones.  Stress & environmental toxins also rob our bodies of the ability to  keep things in balance.  In the fight to lower my blood pressure, I take beet root capsules, drink beet & celery juice as often as I can, also drink hibiscus tea & as much water as I can tolerate. Magnesium & potassium also help in aiding in b/p control.  I am fairly convinced that my tingling extremities/face flushing/heart palps/headache is the result of a drop of a hormone...let’s hope it’s that and not some new random health issue...so over not feeling great! Take care! 

    • Posted

      Thanks for sharing all this with us Debra, I can't buy all that stuff or juice stuff, is there away to buy beet juice already made or is beet powder good? 

      I want to try those herbal things but I am so sensitive and allergic to so many things. 

    • Posted

      Hi Crosado8 - yes, you can buy beet root capsules & hibiscus tea either online or at a health food store.  I also buy my beet/celery juice pre-made at my local store, but I am sure they would also have it pre-made at a health food store.  Believe me, I understand being ultra sensitive to allergies & such - through menopause my allergies got so ramped up that I now have allergy induced asthma...the fun never stops! I also read that drinking lots of water helps the blood vessels to relax and aids in reducing your blood pressure.  We all need to learn to switch our stressors off & breathe...for some of us, it’s a difficult battle...I know, I have high anxiety & stress about everything.  Easier said than done. Take care, 

    • Posted

      Debra, is it possible I can order from your local store if they have a website, but I will search for health food online to see if I can get it I need all the help I can get. Thanks
    • Posted

      Hi Crosado - Amazon has both the Beet Root & Hibiscus Tea & you need to drink freshly made beet/celery juice so that needs to be from a local source. Good Luck!

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    I had this 4 years ago, almost the exact same symptoms. Except it was so extreme I couldn't breathe. I was rushed to the ER, they're initial thought was a heart attack since I do have heart valve problems. It turned out the the blood pressure pill I was on zapped nearly all my potassium. Level should be around 5, mine was 1.3, if I had waited it would have been fatal. I'm not trying to scare you but you gotta be careful with certain bp meds and take extra potassium. I'm now on a beta blocker instead of a water pill and it works great. Although, since I'm in meno I do get tingling sensations in my feet quite often. So it's quite possible it's nothing more than that.. but it's something to keep in mind with bp meds...

    Good luck! Hope it all gets better soon. Follow your instincts.. if you think you need to be checked out, don't wait.

    • Posted

      Hi Gigi - Thank you for your response - oh good point...I did think of the low potassium since the one B/P RX that I am on is Irbesartan with a diuretic.  I will definitely look at my recent labs & check out my Potassium levels or see about a re-check - thank you for reminding me - 

    • Posted

      I was on hydrochrolothiazide (band name is Microzide). I only eat once a day and my GP failed to tell me I would need a potassium supplement bc it filters through the kidneys. It caused me big problems! And if you've never had a K run (potassium through an IV) you do not want it!!! It burns like a blow torch.. they had to open the IV wide open and pack my hand and arm in ice..

      I'm on Metoprolol (Brand names Lopressor or Toprol) and I have zero issues, I should have been on this to begin with bc I have two leaky heart valves and A-fib because of it, so it's a dual pill for me, keeps my heart rate slow and steady and in turn lowers my bp.

    • Posted

      Hi Gigi! Wow! That sounds gruesome! No I have not had had that IV, thank god! Interesting, I am on Irbesartan HCT aka as Avalide & is known as Hydrochlorothiazide.  Of course my dr never told me the risk of low potassium or it filtering thru my kidneys.  Good info to know.  My dr friend told me Metropolpol is a good blood pressure RX, but I can’t take it cuz I have asthma issues.  This whole blood pressure RX thing is tough to figure out, so many have yucky side effects. Thanks for sharing! 

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      Hydrochlorothiazide is really a safe med if you eat foods that provide potassium. I don't really feel hunger and literally forget to eat which is why I only eat once a day, so for me it's dangerous.

      Metropolpol does cause coughing and until your body, or at least mine, got used to it I was short of breath. I still have to watch myself and not over do strenuous activity bc it'll amplify any stupid symptom I have, such as chest tightness, short of breath, or it'll get my anxiety high gear.. but overall I do really well on it. However, I'm sure it'll get adjusted next month bc since I've started the vaginal Estrace and it's entered my blood stream, my bp has been running a bit higher. I wish I had a reset button, I'm ready to go back to my 30s! Lol

    • Posted

      Hi Gigi - As much as I really hate prescription drugs I do seem to be tolerating the Hydrochlorothiazide HCT (Avalide) much better than the Amlodipine that I was on for 5 years.  Thanks to you, I decided to access my most recent labs taken 4 months ago & my potassium level was at 4...so I think I am ok.  I will be aware of it though...thanks for telling me about it.  Yes, the whole menopause business is for the birds.  I am fairly convinced that the tingling sensation in my hands and feet/flushing/headache must be related to some kind of hormone drop.  I have been tracking it and it comes a couple times a month.  I believe if it I was  B/P related it might be constant.  Yes, I think going back to my 40’s would even be a delight - Hah, I just wonder why some woman suffer such horrible menopause & some woman skate thru it - UGH!

  • Posted

    Hi Debra

    ?I have experienced theses symptoms, mine deff menopausal, I am just 64 I take blood pressure tabs have done now for many years. Tingling hands & feet, brain fog aches in  calves weak hands. I've not had a period for 7 years now, But after 3/3.5 years my symptoms got worse. Hot sweats anxiety lack of confidence very achy  joints! with all the other symptoms I felt so rubbish, nausea @ times & a horrible head like it as heavy. I do take HRT the ones I take now clear all these symptoms, its so good to feel back to Normal !

    • Posted

      Hi Mars - May I ask what B/P Meds you are on?  It’s so confusing trying to figure out what is causing the symptoms you are experiencing...menopause or B/P? It’s reassuring to hear that once you got your hormones in check that things straightened out for you - everyone laughs at me that I have not had a period in 5 years &  say it can’t be menopause, but I think you just confirmed that these symptoms can hang around a long time - thank you!

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