Tinnitus and hearing loss
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Hello, everyone.
I am new here. I have been reading your posts and it has helped me so much. It helps to know that I am not alone in this perimenopausal mess.
Has anyone else here experienced tinnitus, hearing loss, vertigo or thumping in their ears?
Two months ago I developed tinnitus in both ears but much worse in the right ear. It sometimes rings, roars, buzzes. The hearing in the right ear is diminished. Sometimes there is a thumping in the right ear when I swallow. It is not a popping sound. It sounds like someone is hitting my eardrum with a little mallet. Like the sound of a Native American Tom Tom drum. Sometimes it doesn't happen at all. Also sensitivity to sound.
I'm not sick with an Ear infection or sinus infection. The doctors have called it Sudden Sensineural Hearing Loss. But it happened when I started having bad perimenopausal symptoms.
Also clearing my throat a lot. It feels like there is something in my throat but there isn't anything there. The throat clearing may be anxiety.
Anyone else having symptoms like this?
Thank you.
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karen77710 Struggling50
Hi yes I get the thumping in the ears quite a a lot and the clearing the throat all the time. I'm also in menapause xx
Struggling50 karen77710
I have been so worried something terrible is wrong with me. But I started making connections between these symptoms and symptoms I know are menopause related. I wondered... Could the ear problems and throat problems be related to menopause?
My symptoms became really bad almost 2 months ago.
Many thanks.
karen77710 Struggling50
Struggling50 karen77710
My sister has anxiety but her throat closes off and she coughs very hard.
She had acupuncture last Wednesday and she has not had these coughing choking episodes since.
I am going later on today. I better get to sleep. It is almost 1am here in Colorado, USA.
Thank you for your replies. It is a big relief to hear that I am not alone.
Keep in touch.
karen77710 Struggling50
Ok darl. Yes we will keep in touch. I'm just getting up 8 am in England xx
Azzumi Struggling50
I get this weird swooshing that feels like its deep in my left ear and my head and comes on really strong before my period should start. I don't really get bleeding anymore just a weird cycle and weird discharge. But the swooshing is absolutely definitely part of my cycle since Peri menopause. Its absolutely bazaar.
lena53512 Struggling50
I have tinnitus since childhood due to an illness, and I used to it. However, in the peri it developed to an unpleasant level, sometimes really annoying. Because I have it all my life, I understand how terrible it is for somebody who did not have it previously.
Try to stay from noise, quiet places are better. On Internet you can find some exercise against tinnitus (involves lowering your head, turning of the head, etc.), is is simple, give it a try.
wendy36287 Struggling50