Tinnitus, headache and low feeling
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I haven't had my period for almost 2 months now, I have all the symptoms of PMS but no period. Last few days I have been getting really bad headache and ear ringing. It's like ghost period. I'm not taking any hormones or any other medication. Does anyone else have these symptoms?
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Guest ampat1
ampat1 Guest
My ob/gyn said to wait 2 weeks, if no period then they'll prescribe something to bring on my period. But my periods have been irregular for almost a year now so I can't imagine this madness going on for who knows how long. I don't know if I want to take any pills to bring on my period.
Guest ampat1
nanc00951 ampat1
ampat1 nanc00951
I'm 39, I read a post here about 66 symptoms of perimenopause. I have experienced many of them, some symptoms come and go but this anxiety is not taking a break which is probably bringing on tinnitus and headache. I am taking one day at a time... I'm glad I found this forum, really helps to hear I'm not alone and all of this is due to hormones.
Guest ampat1
Whenever I get that really bad headache I usually end up getting my period. I wouldn't be surprised if you end up getting yours. I'm guessing you're getting close to meno? Not sure why your doctor would put you on meds to bring on your period unless your uterus lining is very thick. I'd personally wait it out and see what happens. Can you take some advil for the headache?
ampat1 Guest
Hi Suzanne I too think I'm close to menopause, early menopause since I am 39. My periods have been irregular since last year , but my peri symptoms started in March. I never knew about perimenopause until then. So I had very difficult time understanding what was going on. My ob/gyn thinks if I get on pills it'll help balance hormones but I quite disagree, I dear worse could happen when I finally have to come off of the pills. I have anxiety and mild depression along with headaches and tinnitus. Before March of this year everything was perfectly fine and out of blue it hit me one day. I haven't felt my normal self since then. I have a demanding job, two little kids but grateful to have a supportive family close by. I pray for all of us that we get out normal lives back soon. Thank you for your response
kelly55079 ampat1
YES to both!!! My ears every now and then 'ring' or 'buzz' just for a few moments.. Just always thought ha ha that it meant someone was talking about me or thinking of me. Wise old tale I guess. But now that I'm older it could be something. Yesterday I had a dull headache, today it was more intense so I took OTC head pressure (sinus) meds and took a nap which I slept hard!! The weather has been strange-- cold and rainy yesterday now hot and sunny so I just thought it's due to the weather pressure. My period still comes pretty regularly.
ampat1 kelly55079