Tiny Bumps
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I have some tiny bumps that are all over the roof of my mouth, they don't hurt or anything and I can only feel them with my tongue, and I have to turn the light just right to even see them, also the sides of my lips feel like they are chapped, but there not , I don't see anything on my lips , no reddness . I take HRT cause I had a Total hysteretomy back in Aug. 2016 and I didn't know if anyone else had this problem or if they knew what it might be ???
It may not have anything to do Menopause or HRT , I just don't know what or where to ask. thanks
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Woo3353 leah1969
It could be oral thrush I had it and got some liquid antibiotics, if your mouth feels like it is burning when you eat acidic or spicy food it more than likely is. It's common in peri / menopause Another symptom to go along with the 200 odd others!!!!!
maria101 leah1969
they are presented inside the bottom lip area, and the top lip area when I move my tongue around them feel like little tiny lumps
because of my dry mouth they give me all sorts of test nothing to alarm that something is wrong so that was good news... Can you feel your too in the mouth, if you worried go to your dentist they would check it all,out for you ok and let me know how it goes.
dee53012 leah1969
This is a stretch, but if you are not yet, start taking a good high quality probiotic every day. I had sores in my mouth and someone told me it was thrush, my tongue felt like it was a slab of dried up firm tofu. I started taking the ProB'z and within three days I was doing better. I have been using it for a couple months and it is all gone. I was also told to stay away from all sugar, including fruit for a few months to see if there is improvment. I have improved. When our gut is healthy, the rest follows.
Good luck!!
Thanks everyone, I don't have a burning or itching or anything in my mouth, it's just these tiny little bumps on the roof of my mouth, I don't eat sweets or drink soda's. and I eat very little fruit. I had a crown on one of my back teeth 3 weeks ago . and I've been dieting also. but I take Estradiol 2 mg a day and Gabapentin 600 mg a day. these bumps just came up on Sunday, 1st I noticed it felt like my lips were chapped, but there NOT then I noticed the bumps. if their still there next week I'm gonna go to the Dr. thanks again
gailannie leah1969
I will say that I had some strange sensations in my mouth when I started estrogen patches. I've spoken to both a doctor and dentist about this. They see nothing wrong, but boy it is irritating.
unico31026 leah1969
I'm not sure but gargle with peroxide. It should help.
Jokey leah1969
Leah I had exactly what you have described, spots on roof of mouth, most
annoying. Lips felt chapped but were not but very sore and red (burning)
it comes and goes, but it really gets you down.
Worst thing I ever had was sore tongue, I nearly had a breakdown with it
it hurt so much, sore burning, had it for months. Rang the doctor, crying
It was even bleeding a bit, he was sympathetic but didn't have a remedy.
I sucked mints, chewed gum, sucked ice cubes, it was horrific!
Eventually it got better-ish thank God.
For your lips use a good lip balm or Vaseline frequently. The best bit of
advice I can give you is to try not to stress and worry too much about it
I realised this made it worse. As I have sort of come to terms a bit with
each symptom I noticed they seem to lessen.
Don't really have any answers but I expect it will go away after a while.
All my best to you?
dee53012 Jokey
Jokey dee53012
I have probiotic drinks is that the same, Dee?
dee53012 Jokey
The drinks are not the same, drinks and yogurt are loaded with sugar which makes candida grow. Head out to your local health food store and check out the probiotics in the refrigerated section, look for things that say 30 billion and at leat 10 strains of bacteria. Every couple months, switch out brands for differant strains and take it ever day for the rest of your life. You have to have good gut flora for the whole bldy to function. If you are agetting yeast overgrowth or things like it, you will need to cut out all sugar including fruit for a few months until it is under control. Also stop eating processed food, it is loaded with thing that are making folks sick and don't even know it. Our bodies have adapted to the un natural "natural" flavors chemies, etc., but our bodies are getting sicker in the mean time because of it.
I would recomend everyone who ius sick to go whole food/glutne free for two months to see if they feel better. It really has helped me.
Jokey dee53012
a lot of thought lately. Will have a chat with my son he is very
knowledgeable, like you, about all this stuff (he has been telling me
a while now). He had a health problem and has also become
vegetarian so he has been looking into supplements.
Thanks Dee you have been very helpfull (as usual).
By the way, do you eat meat? ☺
dee53012 Jokey
Yes, I eat meat. I eat it at every meal, that or eggs. My plate looks like this:
one chicken thigh
3/4 plate of dark greens like kale, broccoli, etc. Lot of crusiferous veggies. The only procesed food I ingest is herba mate tea, no coffee, no wine, nothing! I eat organic when possible.
I snack on nuts and a little fruit but only dark fruit and aaallways have anything sugar with protien. Ex: If you have to have chocolate, eat it with almond but try not to often, once a month.
The US is differnt that other countries on genetcily alterd foods. I don't know your laws regarding things like this. I don't personally trust them and most ND's do not either so they say don't eat them. We use a lot of pesticides here, scary stuff. But if your veggies like corn and soy are not altered, then they are likely ok to eat.
I'd love to help you further if you like, just PM me.