Tiny little bumps

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I used to have a lot of acne but thankfully with the right skin care it all disappeared. Except this skin colour bumps that are tiny they aren't Milia and they haven't whiteheads. They are literally tiny tiny bumps all over my face that make my skin texture look digusting . Natural light, make up and heat make them stand out more. I've tired so many different types of skin care routines, excerise and changed my diet for years. I personally think one day I might of gotta a allergic reaction to something and got these spots but for most people allegedly reaction spots go away. They just won't go away and I'm giving up all hope like they look so disgusting and I struggle to even go outside now a days. How can I get rid of these bumps they are all over my face skin coloured bumps and I've tried everything to get rid of them even started doing Korean skincare routine. What are these bumps and how do I get rid of them for good?

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    hi , I use to have something like you subscribed but I put it down to a moisturising cream I was using drove me up the wall but ive been using a serum product and its seems to me make them disappear I also use rosehip oil first then a serum and then a moisturising cream the products I use is called viola skin retinol serum ,it stimulates new cell generation ...I must say the lumps were like grit under the skin and now I can hardly feel them and make sure you drink plenty of water as much as you can
    • Posted

      With me it isn't a moisturiser because I started trying out all different skin scare routines. I'll deffo start drinking more water I don't think I drink enough of it. I use mostly sensitive skin products since it has no irritating products

  • Posted

    Is your skin a bit red too?  If so it could be acne roscea.  Your best bet is to get yourself to a doctors and if they aren't sure or prescription treatments don't work then ask to be referred to a dermatologist.  Good luck and I hope you find some answers. x

    • Posted

      I'm from the UK so I've been to the doctors twice and they gave me a spot cream to use but that has made my marks turn dark brown and nasty. Now I have discoloration and stop using the products. Because I'm brown skinned I don't become red at all so I don't have rosacea

    • Posted

      ok so you've been to the doctor and they prescribed you some spot cream , so id go back to them as there are loads of creams and gel for acne you can get and explain what happened ask for a gel called EPIDUO .. you only use at night when you've had a wash before bed as it can make your face go a little red id say not to use it every day as your skin will go very dry so moisturize , it will take time but should help ... I would also ask about seeing a dermatologist like hypercat  stated but there can be a waiting list im afraid and that if your doctor decides to go down that path so soon and don't forget to drink more as I said before  good luck x

    • Posted

      I think I might of used that cream but the European version since I live in Europe. I used the spot cream at night and I had to use it for 6-12 weeks before it started to work but for me it didn't work. I'll deffo go back to the GP and ask to be referred to a dermatologists. Thank you hopefully I can get rid of it

    • Posted

      Fair enough so your doctor hasn't helped so now is the time to ask them for a referral to a dermatologist as they are the experts in skin disorders.  I had no problem being referred to them previously.  

      I agree there can be a long wait so if you can afford it go privately.  x

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