Tiny shooting pains all over

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i have been anxious from the onset of the pandemic. a lot of uncontrollable situations and everyday stressors. i had twitches for months which made me more anxious. they did all blood work in October for my peace which came out fine. then by the end of the year, i began to get a breast pain (like twinges, sharp) which really scared me, peaked my anxieties. i consulted my Dr in between, got a mammogram done too. i was worried sick over tests and was battling fear.

however worried and anxious about health, recently i began to experience more of these random tiny shooting pains all over. i wonder if i need to go back to the doctor or try to fall in to my old routine and wait it out!

i hope it's anxiety as my twitches are relatively gone.

any body experience this?

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2 Replies

  • Posted

    I would say work on trying to bring down your anxiety first. Otherwise you can get caught in a vicious cycle of running to the doctor every time you feel something. And that will just increase your anxiety over and over again. The muscle twinges are very common with anxiety I have had those on and off for many years. when it comes to anxiety the physical symptoms are not the problem. The problem is unmanaged anxiety that causes the harmless symptoms. If you know of something causing anxiety in your life, you can do online virtual counseling. I do that once a week and it works great. There’s also a great meditations on YouTube for anxiety. But see if you can get some support . Take care

    • Posted

      hi jan34534

      thanks a lot for your response. i feel so relieved to hear that twinges can be related to anxiety. at the same time, it's no good to learn that someone experienced the same ordeal. i wanted to hear people's experiences and how they are coping. did it take long before the twinges subsided? how did you know it was anxiety induced?

      you are right. running to the doctor for these and then testing and then being anxious over it- i have known that vicious cycle.

      i will try counseling. i had chronic stress over the pandemic. mostly lack of rest, and a lot of stress with home schooling and managing home, work, worrying about parents etc.

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