Tip of the penis (meatus) seems to be red while masturbating and stands out as red lips

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I am 34 years old, the tip of my penis (meatus) looks red while mastrubating (check the attached photos please), it has been like this since 2 months, sometimes the redness/swelling is little more other times is little less. There was an unprotected oral sex exposure on 5th Feb and after few days felt little irritation and redness on penis. Consulted a dermatologist on 14th March and he diagnosed it as balanoposthitis and he prescribed 5 days course of azithromycin 500 mg, 2 doses of Fluconazole and antifungal and antibiotic cream application. On the follow up appointment, he further prescribed 15 days course of Doxycycline 100mg and Itraconazole capsules (2 per day) for 7 days. and asked me to continue the antibiotic and antifungal cream for next 15 days.

My initial symptoms were just very little redness and snegma buildup + some odor. After taking few days of medicine (around 21st March), I started having minimal burning after urination at the top of my penis (nothing while urinating.). There is no discharge as well. There is also no problem while ejaculating (apart from me meatus looking more red), however I feel more burning/irritation on the next day compared to when I don't ejaculate.

I have taken Urine R/M test 2 times and it came out normal. Have taken blood CBC and that is also normal. Have taken HIV and Syphilis test and both are negative.

I would like to know if there is a problem with the tip of my penis opening being red? Do you think there is any serious problem with it? ? any suggestions to reduce the brining/irritation after urination ?

Sorry for the long description. Appreciate your kind advises and help.



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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi just wondering do you have any cream on the glans in these photos? the glans in general looks quite pale around the meatus. You foreskin also look a little tight can you retract it fully?

    I think you should go back to the dermatologist if it doesn't improve it could be lichen sclerosus?

    • Edited

      Thanks for the reply.

      I just applied coconut oil in the first pic attached. Second pic is without any ointment or oil applied.

      Yes I ab able to retract my foreskin completely. Though when penis is erect, it doesn't go down that easy. But during intercourse, it slides down without a problem.

    • Posted

      It does looks pale I'd go back to your doctor or dermatologist there is an infection going on what is causing it I don't know you may need to see a urologist as well. you have been on quite a bit of treatment it should have cleared up so maybe see the urologist. Let us know how you get on.

    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply.

      I saw a urologist on 12th May and he prescribed me a 10 days course of (200 mg doxycycline) and 150mg Flucanzole for 3 days and then alternate days Flucanzole. Also prescibed ornidazole 500 mg once a day. I still have mild burning after urination, however if I wash just after urinating, it feels almost normal. So I am continue to wash everytime I urinate.

      Not sure when I will be able to completely resolve this problem.

    • Posted

      See how it goes. it can take a while to clear the infection if it doesn't go back to your doctor

  • Posted

    Have yourself tested for HSV. You are describing the symptoms I have and I have hsv2.

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