Tips/Treatment For Molluscum (Very Detailed)
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I am writing this to try and help someone because I know how horrendous this virus is and just would like to put some tips out there. This is going to be very long and detailed so grab a snack.
A little background- I am a 22 year old female and had Molluscum in the genital region for about a year which I have just finally gotten rid of (I hope).
First off, I know how absolutely sh*tty it is to find out you have this virus. It is horrible to deal with and drags on forever which is absolutely depressing. It has pretty much made my abstinent because I do not want to tell anyone that I have it and am so afraid to pass it on. BUT what I want to say is this: It could be worse! I know that may not be what you want to hear but I am so grateful that was wasn't something more serious- Molluscum goes away It may take forever but at least it is not life long. When Molluscum first appeared for me I was certain it was herpes, and although it does suck to have Molluscum Contagiosum I was very relieved to find out it was not HSV.
As mentioned I have been dealing with this for about a year but noticed around 6 months that it was beginning to clear up, or lessen in severity.
1. MOST IMPORTANT: DO NOT STOP TREATING. I would get frustrated or lazy and decide to "ignore" the Molluscum for a while instead of treating them daily and that was the absolute worst decision. Inevitably, the Molluscum got waaaay worse and harder to treat during these periods. I know sometimes you may want to give up or "take a break" from treating like I did but trust me you must stay consistent if you want to keep it under control/get rid of it faster.
2. No baths/hot tubs/hot water. Avoid bathes at all costs. Any heat/wet makes the Molluscum so much worse and I have noticed bathes can also make the Molluscum transfer to another part of your body. Avoid the area being moist and warm as much as possible which I know can be hard when dealing with down there. Try to take quick lukewarm showers if possible because this will definitely be a huge help in keeping the MC under control. Once you get out pat the affected area dry with toilet paper or tissue and DO NOT use the towel you are using for your body. Because Molluscum is so incredibly contagious and easily spread it is vital to not touch clothing or towels to the affected area and then touch anywhere else on the body.
3. Take a good multi-vitamin/keep up a healthy lifestyle. Eat well, excersize, sleep well, drink plenty of water and take a really good must-vitamin to help build up your immune system. The worse the immune system, the harder MC will be to get rid of.
4. WASH WASH WASH. Wash your sheets as often as possible in hot water. Buy comfy lose-fitting underwear that you can wash and bleach the sh*t out of and change often. Never use a towel twice or wear the same pants without washing because this will cause it to spread. Wash your hands before and after every time you touch the affected area.
5. DO NOT SHAVE THE AREA. This causes the MC to spread so badly and multiply like crazy. Do not even think about shaving the area until you are 100% that the MC is gone. Trim your pubes if need be in order to treat the MC.
*This is what worked for me*
I see lots of forums on here recommending doing little amateur surgery on the molluscum at home to dig them out. I don't recommend this unless you are super confident about it, I have tried it and left me with some gnarly scars that took forever to fade, same with the Nitrogen freezing at the doc's office, which I found to not be effective enough to be worth it.
Very effective if used properly. Helped me finally kick this thing in the butt.
-Take a small cotton ball or half cotton ball and dip in ACV, squeeze out excess.
-Take a strip of duct tape and place the small ball in the centre
-Place carefully on any big Molluscums and leave overnight
The more tediously you do this the better the outcome, if you get the duct tape too wet it will not stick. Best results if the ACV dipped ball is squeezed out so it is not dripping wet and the tape has been secured all the way around it without gaping. After a couple nights of this you will notice the Molluscum(s) turn black and die. This then turns into a scab which goes away with time.
2. Tea-Tree Oil:
Not quite as effective as ACV but still got very good results. I would do this at least every day sometimes I did this multiple times a day and it worked very well to dry up the Molluscums, causing many of the little ones to go away (ACV better for big ones).
-Take a clean Q tip, dip in the TT oil and smother any Molluscums with it. Simple and easy to do. Change Q tips in between Molluscums!!!
3. Tape:
Also had a lot of success with this.
-Take packing or duct tape and cut into size appropriate squares, cover the molluscums
-Leave this overnight, it suffocates them and can help kill them
-For big areas with many little ones I would just use one big strip of tape and for the larger Molluscums I would cut the tape into individual squares.
I tried epsom salts bathes in cool water and that had virtually no effect for me. The three treatments above are what worked the best for me and I think I would definitely still be dealing with Molluscum if not for them.
Hope this helps and keep on keepin' on.
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anrique43244 sarah30835
Hi Sarah,
?Thanks for the information! I'm now applying ACV but have a hard time adhering them. I have couple questions.
?Which type of ACV? Does it have to be organic? You mentioned applying ACV over night. What about in the day time? Do you need to treat it in the day time or just at night?
anrique43244 sarah30835
Thanks for the information! I have couple questions. What are stages of the bumps when ACV soaked cotton applied? Do you keep applying ACV with cotton after the bump turns scab?
angela03002 sarah30835
david63998 sarah30835
I have had the virus for about a year but in the last week or so the last one began to die I am so relieved as I know how embarrassing the virus is I treated mine with ACV as soon as I found out what the virus was but in my case it didn't help I then resorted to using wart freeze which was effective against bigger ones but does leave scaring (wouldn't recommend it) but after about a year or so all my molluscum began to disappear on there own it made me very happy they all started to turn red and the white core fell off and then proceeded to turn black and fall off my last one is still at the scabbing stage but I am so happy I made it through this all of you will too whether it's with treatment or naturally I am going to be a lot more careful with who I decide to have sex with in the future that's for sure.
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Also if the acv treatment isn't working for you I would advise to just let it heal itself naturally because most other treatments will leave scarring which can be quite unsightly I know you might want it gone right now but from what I've researched most treatments will only speed up the process slowly depending on how many you have in my case I had up to 25 in the genital region and my lower abdomen
angela03002 david63998
anrique43244 angela03002
Hi Angela,
The key for this virus is spreading. it doesn't harm us physically but more psychologically and emotionally. There are so many ways to treat MC but you have to stop it from spreading. I recommend to use 3M medical tape. It's easier to use then duct tape. I had MC for about 5 months. First two months, I ignored it because Dr. said it's harmless. Oh boy! I was wrong. Never give up, keep treat it. I used cotton dap with ACV and taped with 3M medical tape for 18 hours. I taped them at night after shower and before going to bed and left it all day so that they were covered. Then I removed the tape and showered and then repeated the process. it took me about 2-3 days for them to turn white and 1-2 more days to scab. Once it scabbed, then it was over for MC. Hope this help! Let me know if you have any more questions!
david63998 angela03002
I agree with anrique tht the best solution is to not let them spread and cover them but in my case it was too late before the doctor was able to figure it out and at that point I had up to 20 when I treated some died and I think that just made it spread more when the virus is at its strongest in reality the acv probably didn't work for me because I wasn't persistent enough with it due to the fact that I'm 19 and still live at home and was more afraid of people finding out I had it then treating it
Jimmers18 anrique43244
i have been been treating my daughter’s MC with ACV and plasters (little circle spot shaped ones). After two days (applying and reapplying twice a day), ,OST have started to go completely white but have not scabbed. When did you stop applying ACV and covering them with a plaster.i think that they are not scabbing underneath the plaster as the skin is sweating under the plaster as it is unable to breathe. What would you advise? My gut instinct is to always keep it covered so that it doesn’t spread but i’m Sure they willscab if I keep the, covered with these small circle waterproof plasters.
Any advice was be great. I wish I had found this thread when the first one appeared 8 months ago and not ignored them like the doctors told me to!
angela03002 anrique43244
anrique43244 Jimmers18
Hi Jim,
This is what I noticed. MC is white because it reacts to couple things: ACV, salt water, and etc. To me, it was the MC agitated them. when they are white and before I apply ACV, I dapped the Q-tip in ACV and poke them gently. After that I taped them with cotton dapped ACV. The key point is ACV needs to get in the bumps and kills the lesions. Once it's white, the top skin is very thin. I kept applying until I felt the burn. when it burns, that means the ACV got inside and neutralized the lesions. Based on my experience, I continued to apply ACV for another couple days. When I felt the burn, then I stopped taping. After that, the MC would scabbed. Once it scabs, you don't need to tape it anymore but keep monitor it though. However, your skin might get scars. I have scars on my genital area but barely noticed. As for me, I pick little scars over these suckers any day.
anrique43244 angela03002
Hi Angie,
You should test couple of them. Stop applying ACV to the red ones, and see what happen to them. If they scabbed then you are good. it bled because the top skin got thin and the lesions reacted to the ACV treatment. I would apply the ACV to the bleeding one because ACV would get in there and kill the lesion. it would definitely scar a little. I think the key point here is ACV needs to get inside the bumps to kill the lesion but you must be very careful doing so because you don't want it to spread. If you feel the burn from the ACV, then you can stop applying ACV and let the wound heal. Good luck and let me know how it goes.
peepee45101 sarah30835
Thank you for confirming I am in the final stretch of this obnoxious and embarrassing viral infection. Unprotected sex ain't cool, dudes. I have had this for six years and I don't have that chad confidence or the stupidity to ignore it. I'll check out that Apple Cider Vinegar trick. I hope it will speed up these final moments.
haleigh92 sarah30835
hi sarah
i have just read your post and im in a bit of a panic - my 7 month old daughter has mc on her leg - previously we have used acv for varukas ans it has been super effective but im worried that i have made things worse for my daughter - we are a week in and her spots have gone from skin coloured pimples to red spots to now being flat and scabby but very red
- if i send across some pictures can you let me know if this looks like a normal healing process - i dont want to stop treating if it is a normal process but i do not want to continue if im making things worse
many thanks