Posted , 9 users are following.
does anyone suffer from what feels like heavy joints /aching joints and severe tiredness.
the heaviness I feel in my legs feels like they are swollen but aren't.
Frustrated L x
0 likes, 19 replies
Posted , 9 users are following.
does anyone suffer from what feels like heavy joints /aching joints and severe tiredness.
the heaviness I feel in my legs feels like they are swollen but aren't.
Frustrated L x
0 likes, 19 replies
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Trevis lesley61388
lesley61388 Trevis
yes agree some days are worst than others, I was nearly falling asleep at work today
lets hope tomorrow is a better day
L x
jennifer03234 lesley61388
lesley61388 jennifer03234
karen_1965 lesley61388
this is a horrible time of a woman's life! I'm 48 but some days feel 98
L x
Trevis lesley61388
Carolmayhew6 Trevis
I felt exactly same I got sudden onset of pain in knees in feb by end of feb I couldn't walk with the pain excruitiating at times even ended up in our A&E dept the pain that bad I'd had an xray at the morning but by tea time I was in floods of tears n that's not me even more so not me to use A&E they checked xray n it was arthritis they advised me see my gp for cortizone injects which I did but didn't help I've since had MRI scans n again shown degenerative changes n arthritis but the pain carried on so I asked for a further referral n saw different consultant who agreed to do an arthoroscopy which found tear in ligement n meniscus on my left knee I'm 2 weeks post op and up until yesterday slight pain but I went out fir the 1st time in months to Liverpool to see the 3 queen ships today I'm suffering with the toothache type pain again so I've rested today hoping it's down to too much walking
I have never in my life felt like I have since becoming sick with back pain in December sorted that then my knees started the awful anxiety tiredness fatigue sickness insomnia you name it I've had it apart from night sweats I found out after numerous blood tests I had vit d3 deficiency & my hormone lvls were very low so I've been commenced on vit d long term tried HRT but didn't agree with me so citalompram was give to help with anxiety n nauseous n given a sleeping tablet aswell which helps I've also started to take calcium n magnesium with zinc I actually feel more human over the last 4 days which is great becoz since December I've lost 3.5stone n was very low in mood but couldn't explain how I was feeling
Just hope this knee pain subsides over nxt day or so but how yu explain the aches n discomfort is right I felt my legs were not strong enough to hold me up or unable to walk they were stuff n couldn't bend my knees
I hope you start to feel better soon xx
Trevis Carolmayhew6
lesley61388 Trevis
thats awful I feel for you as I suffer with the anxiety as well but touch wood it's been ok for a while but I am in agony with my back and my knee (osteo arithritis) and I can't take a lot for it as my medication for epilepsy interferes with a lot so I have to suffer quietly (well unless I'm moaning in here)!
fed up with the thick feeling of my legs and strange sensations down my arms, palpations, hot sweats .....I don't think I need to go on
nice to have your reply
tale care xx
sharcerv52408 lesley61388
barbara49965 lesley61388
Carolmayhew6 barbara49965
I have started the osteocare too n find a difference
I take a-z vit aswell and effervescent vit from Aldi all ok'd by my gp slowly but surly I'm getting there tesco had the osteocare 3-4-2 so I got them they have a liquid aswell but that wasn't on offer so got the tablets thanks for the heads up on them Barbara x
barbara49965 Carolmayhew6