Posted , 8 users are following.
Hi I’m two years in to menapause and I seem to have no energy. I go nights with only 4-5 hours sleep. I also wake up most mornings with aching shoulders and neck and backache at the bottom ( don’t think my sleeping posture is right) anyone else feel like this or is it just me.....
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jacqueline06286 karen77710
Hi karen,
As I'm sitting here I'm in pain I started perimenapause about 3 months ago and it started with fatigue dizzy my head is pounding the pain in my head will go from right to left ear shoulder neck I'm not sleeping much any suggestions for me feeling miserable as I am new to this I still get my period all though last month I had it twice. Thank you and God bless
karen77710 jacqueline06286
maria314 jacqueline06286
I know exactly what your going thru im 51 yrs old and I been going thru Peri for 4 yrs I haven't seen a period since oct I'm hoping this is it I have terrible symptoms I feel hopeless , I am on estroven it's safe and also magnesium citrate it helps tremendously
If I tell you I haven't had a decent sleep in a very long time . This really suks I hope you can find some relief god bless
jacqueline06286 karen77710
Did your head aches radiated from one side to the other side also did you had neck pain and also was feeling sick like the flu type symptoms
karen77710 jacqueline06286
maria76995 karen77710
Hi Karen I really hope so..you know I was feeling better last year come November symptoms all came back I don't if it's because my periods end this month but I was so fed I was beginning to feel the more me again never mind just have to prayer.
karen77710 maria76995
maria76995 karen77710
karen77710 maria76995
kim35797 karen77710
karen77710 kim35797
karen77710 kim35797
jacqueline06286 maria314
Do you live in florida I was talking to someone in this forum with the same name but she told me that she lives in the uk
kim35797 karen77710
karen77710 kim35797