Tired all the time

Posted , 6 users are following.

Good morning all,

I am so tired of being tired! I can't seem to stay awake. I was yawning while teaching Sunday school yesterday. Then I dozed off while the minister was reading the scripture. I wake up feeling tired but when I am supposed to be asleep at night I find myself wide awake staring around in my room and this has been every day lately. Someone please stop the insanity!!!

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Sharcerv:

    I have been trying different things for tiredness. I can tell you once I started a probiotic I felt more energy and through out this entire ordeal along with everything else I'm taking supplement wise. I take otc vivarin for mental alertness. You may know what that it but, it's a mental alertness aid you can get in most grocery stores. I don't know if it will help you but, it has taken the edge off for me some days from fatigue. You could try some soothing tea at night before bed or Gaba is good for relaxation. Some people have stated it makes them groggy in the mornings but, I don't get that. I tend to take it mid day so, maybe that's why. Hugs

  • Posted

    I'm tired of being tired as well.... Don;t know really what it is--- if it's me, my marriage, my life, hormones.... But yes I'm always tired- Had bloodwork done low in iron recently (which was due to my periods) But this tired 'feeling' has been going on for awhile. I sleep so I should be OK to get up and get on with the day... I did buy a probiotic recently so I"m hoping this does the trick-- My my digestive system is weighing me down..

    • Posted

      That could also be why I'm tired all the time, my digestive system needs fine tuning too.

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      I'm not sure but I'm HOPING this will help me.. I just find it odd that we need a probiotic. Is it the food we eat? IDK

    • Posted

      It may not only be the foods we're eating but also how it's processed. There are more chemical preservatives in food today than there were when we were growing up. That's why unfortunately there are more cases of cancer and heart disease these days. I don't always buy into the idea that a lot of the foods they claim to be "organic" is really all that holistic. I mean, think about it, how are they preserving this stuff? They'd have to be using some kind of chemicals or the stuff would rot before it gets to the market. I feel like unless you're growing your stuff yourself, you don't really know what's in any of these foods. I'm just saying.

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      Your right!!! Just here lately my sons friend (from 3 years ago) died of cancer and then a couple ppl in their 60's died ( one from Pneumonia and the other from heart attack and she was fit/trim). It's just like all of sudden death is here.. I do buy organic with some things but not crazy with it... OK, we'll try the probiotic to see if that helps..

  • Posted

    That was me yesterday. Laid all day sleeping. It was like someone gave me a tranquilizer. Your not alone

  • Posted

    Hi, also good to take Vitamin B supplements and check your Vitamin D levels. I take something called Calciferol once a week which is Vitamin D tablet .... If I don't take it I feel tired and a bit depressed.... It is very cheap but you need a doctors prescription for it..... Also I know this is hard when you are so tired but a brisk walk or some exercise does help.

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