Tired and depressed because of pain
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I have had fissures over a year now and in constant pain.To the point I dread having a BM. I wake up at night with pain and the sensation of itching .I have had a colon scope and was told by the doctor come see me in 5 years , I asked about my anal pain he looked at me as if to say get over it.My family doctor has prescribed Nitro that seems to work at time but not always. What and how can I get through theses doctors I cannot go through this anymore
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hayley77100 laurie55
The pain sounds like a fissure, i would go back to your doctor and demand he sends you to a specialist if the fissure is chronic then creams etc tend not to work on them and you may need something else.
I had botox about 5 months ago and it luckily it really helped however it is still there slightly so i am booked in to have this done again next week.. the botox works by relaxing the area and allowing the blood to get to the area to heal.. i also have a cream that i researched on line that really helps called desitin te itching sensation you mentioned goes away instantly with this cream..
I really do feel you pain and upset as its a life changer, but there is light at the end of the tunnel you just need to get refereed to a specialist who will hopefully be able to diagnose you properly.
good luck xxx
sharen69350 laurie55
laurie55 sharen69350
Condohead laurie55
I've had all the creams and rubbish you read about. They don't work.
I've had Botox. It doesn't work.
The only thing that will work is surgery.
Stop messing about. Pay privately. It's instant relief. I'm 1 year on from surgery and my life is back....
👍🏾 And yes at point I wanted to Jill myself..... so I know the pain!
hayley77100 Condohead
You cant say certain things dont work as everyone is different botox for me was amazing and i had a chronic fissure for 18months i tried everything read up on everything must have spent a fortune at the chemist for creams etc etc
I read so many articles saying this doesn't work and botox is rubbish and i very nearly didnt go through with the Botox because of everyone's elses opinion on it.. when really unless you try it you have no idea if its going to work for you.. i would 100% recommend botox as I am practically pain free now
and the cream i suggested really does work for pain and itching otherwise i wouldn't suggest it, but obviously what worked for me might not work for Laurie but surely its worth a go when you are in that kind of pain.
take care
laurie55 hayley77100
Thank you for your reply I am willing to try anything at this point. As far as going to my doctor again is useless ,I am just brushed off ''''''''''''as far as privately I am not sure that is avail in Canada .Botox I wonder if I suggest to my doctor if he will listen?
I will keep trying to find someone who will listen as in a Doctor to get me some kind of relief
laurie55 Condohead
Messing about I'm not , To find a doctor that takes me seriously is a problem, I am trying to find a doctor to listen then act on it
Lmd614 laurie55
Laurie, I totally feel your pain. I too have a fissure but I sought treatment with a Colorectal Surgeon. We went the natural route first...stool softeners daily, sitz baths (plain water), increased fiber, metamusil on a daily basis and Calmol-4 suppositories (if you haven't tried these get them!). Nothing helped and the pain was worse than giving birth (and I've done that twice).
Finally had Botox in January and while I occasionally have flare ups (I immediately take pain meds, sitz baths, and all of the above), I am no longer in extreme pain.
If your doc is not listening to you...you need a new doc! There is no reason why you should remain in pain.
Good luck!
DAYWALKER100 laurie55
Hi Laurie55. A few years ago I had a chronic Anal fissure, I went to see a fantastic specialist and he had me in Hospital and gave me Botox right up my bottom they put me to sleep, I have had 4 kids and the pain I was getting was like contractions in my bottom, I was on all 4,s, I did not even know that one could have Botox in that part of one body, You ask for it get back to your GP and just tell them that you were talking to someone ie me on here and I had a Cronic one which was at 6'oclock position. I still have it I have to be very careful when going to the toilet, it got to the point that I did not want to go to the toilet when I had it, it is the pain after, I had 2 Botox injection 2 years.
after the other, it changed my life. The cream they gave me gave me a headache within a couple of minutes.
Let me know how you get on, We all have to go to the loo, get that Botox injection x
mmarcus151910 laurie55
Here are some suggestions I have for you to help you through:
1. Try somee zinc oxide in the form of calmoseptine which has menthol to soothe the area down there as well. Calmoseptine can be bought at almost any local drugstore and can be bought online too.
2. Try squatting when going on the toilet instead of sitting. This is a much helathier position and the poop sometimes will just slide out, no pushing or straining involved.
3. I would definately take a fiber supplement, specifically metamucil is what I take evveryday, in ordr to allow your stools to be soft and to allow them to pass thorugh easily. THis being said, with any fiber supplemetn, you must drink lots of water when using them, or they will not work veffectively. Also, do not take too much as too much fiber can irritate your bowels on the way out and diarreah actually does worse down there.
4. I would recommend getting a sphicteronomy surgery if htings dont get better. I waited it out, gave up, had the surgery, and was able to heal within about two weeks. I had a chronic fissure, so I knew where you are ocming from with v all the pain and discomfort.
Try listening to music to distract your mind a bit, especially when going to the bathroom. If you are in writing pain, distract yourself with a movie or TV show right after. Also, to prevent myself from screaming and from putting more stress in the area down there, i bit down on a washcloth in order to make the tensions with my teeth instead of my sphicter muscle.
So sorry you have to go through all this pain. Hope you get the proper help you need soon!
Hope this helps!!!
West_Coast laurie55
I am 45 old male. I used to have a chronic fissure which is mostly cured now. I was in so much pain and dispair and had been a long road to recovery.
I tried all sorts of cream, honey, coconut oil. I would recommend trying some of those. I stopped drinking coffee, tea, alcohol. By now you should have a list of food items to avoid. At least avoid for 3 months to see if it makes a difference. There are two things that stand out to me that helped me with my recovery. Drink as many fluids as possible, it doesn't have to just be water, any liquid except alcohol will do. If you like juice or milk or water, drink of it as much as possible thru out the day. I generally start my day with a half glass of water, a full glass of juice at lunch, some water during the day, another glass of juice at night and tea at night. I can't say this enough fill your body with as much liquid everyday.
Stay off any stool softners that suck water out of your body and is not a permanent solution and your body will adapt and ignore them.
The 2nd most important thing is to stretch your buttocks when sitting, basically pull your cheeks left and eighth when you sitting. You will be in pain but over time will subside.
I also did a bunch of other excercises to strengthen the area where my fissure is but can comment later.