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I have suffered with fibromyalgia for just over 2 years. The most debilitating and therefore depressing factor is the intense fatigue. I can no longer fly, or take a holiday. Even a weekend break can confine me to bed for a week on my return. Does anyone else have this problem? I am 64.
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linda90335 angela06033
take care
angela06033 linda90335
wendidly643 angela06033
The fatigue does affect me but I am not sure if that is because I never sleep very well I could often doze off during the day even if I have slept but I just get tired of the pain and trying to carry on regardless of it I find that I suffer the horrendous Fibro Fog after a really bad nights sleep Do you take any meds at night to help you sleep?
angela06033 wendidly643
caroline271 angela06033
tiswas24537 angela06033
the general tirdeness is bearable , but when it is the crushing type its so depressing
i want to go and see my sister inlaw its a 4hr car journey iv been promisng for months ,but i know excatly what i will be like when i get back a sleep for a week and washed out like a zombie for at least another 2 .
it is the worst part of it i think most sufferers think so your not alone .
it puts me of even the simplist shortest trip because i know what is coming .and its crushing .
i feel like i just exist hanging around taking up space . i was always a doer like to be busy now just cleaning the house is a monmentous task . if they medical bods could sort out the fatigue i could cope with the pain .
angela06033 tiswas24537
tiswas24537 angela06033
i think it starts with little symptoms that you dont think anything of then as the stress builds thru life it than hits you like a brick wall .its only with hinesight that you look back and see fibro markers . .hope you have a good night nite .