Titrating Zoloft help with weight?

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Hello (new here smile

Been on 100 mg Zoloft for a little over a year, went on it for perimenopause roller coaster symptoms.... i suppose it helped but it's not life changing and since i figured out that i'm really gaining weight on it, i'm starting to titrate down---have read the instructions (and absolute HORROR STORIES) on how. I went from 100mg to 75mg and have been on 75mg for about 11 days now, i don't know of any adverse reactions as of yet... and i plan to stay on 75mg for a month? And then go to 50mg and sit there for a while as i've read that it's below 50mg where the real complications could come in...

Anyway, my question is, i am wondering if the weight gain or ability to lose it would be helped by going down in dosage or if one would have to come off Zoloft completely?

Has anyone experience positive weight effects just going to a lower dosage? I'd also love to hear any positive stories about weaning

TY so much



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6 Replies

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    Hey there.

    I was on 25 mg for 2 years and I tappered down over a period of 2 months.

    I was completely off for a week before I had any withdrawal symptoms.

    It felt like the flu but worse because my anxiety was at an all time high I was afraid to leave my house, I was afraid to be in my house. It was horrible.

    If the reason you are coming off is soley because of weight gain I do not recommend it. Weight gain is the reason I came off of it as well. But mentally I needed it.

    The reason you gain weight on Zoloft is because it slows down your metabolism. I have been taking metamucil to curb my cravings and make me feel fuller. Along with exercising and watching what I eat. I have lost 6 pounds.


    • Posted

      I forgot to mention that I am back on Zoloft at 37.5 mg for about 2 months now.
  • Posted

    About the weight i'm not sure if the low dose will make it better or worse but i have found that if i push myself to get outside and walk my dog or stroll my nephew in the neighborhood it helps with my mood and its also a little exercise. I'm not sure if you are having any side effects but i did and it was hard for me to go to sleep but since i started walking and being outside a lot i felt like i slept better when i did sleep so that's also a plus. I hope everything begins to be okay soon!

    • Posted

      Thank you! Yes i wish i knew.

      I lost over 100 lbs on my own about 4 yrs ago and kept it off. My eating habits have not changed (i eat the same things every day except friday and did while on Zoloft) and have even reigned in my "free" Friday and i've still put on at least 10 lbs. i was on 100 mg. Am now on 50 mg and have dizziness and a bit of nausea--all i can deal with but i hate mood fluctuations which i have a bit of but i know that's normal while my brain adjusts. I just do not want to be on this med if not medically necessary and especially face added poundage while i'm on it after i've worked so very  hard to lose over 100 lbs and be in maintenance that long only to lose ground!

    • Posted

      Wow! That's amazing that you have lost 100lbs! I have had side effects like those and it goes away within about 2-3 weeks while on it! Hopefully it won't take you that long! 

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