TKR 10 months ago, still not great & now been told I need other knee doing! Advice please!

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Left TKR 10 months ago, had a MUA at 5 months, still stiff and only 100 ROM & now been told  I need other knee doing! I’ve been putting it off but know I need it as on same painkillers as before I had first operation.  Advice please - do I go ahead even though left one is still not brilliant?

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Sharon 

    my  name is carol I had a TKR on my right knee last June it's great I have had my left knee done now TKR and I'm glad I did as my knees were really bad bone on bone .

    so go ahead and get it done I have no regrets what so ever, you will be fine I just have the odd twinge and at night I get an aching knee but I rub white tiger balm on it and that helps.

    hope this helps x


    • Posted

      Thank you for your positive thoughts.  I am going to get appointment with my doctor to discuss further. X
  • Posted

    Hi Sharon

    I had TKR and leg straightened in January. I haven’t always thought it was the best thing that I have had done, but now 7 months  later it most certainly is.

    If you are on pain killers like you were with your now replaced knee, I honestly do

    Not think you have been left with much option.

    Good luck and hope it all goes well for you.  

  • Posted

    I've read a lot of posts of people who had one one right after the other or had the bilateral done at the same time.  THIS IS MY PERSONAL OPINION ONLY.......

    How can you possibly have #2 done when you have not recovered from #1.  To me, you LITERALLY will not have a leg to stand on.  Yes, Some people have done it successfully but I just can't see how.  In my mind, I would want to be FULLY recovered from the first knee before doing the second.  This means having your ROM back, doing the complete muscle rebuild and mastering stairs again.  Once you are "back to normal", then you should do #2.

    Exceptions...  There are people with so much pain in #2 that they can't put it off.  Totally understandable.  Also cases where there are issues identified by the surgeon that make a bilateral or a one-two punch necessary.  Again, understandable.

    For me, I would delay #2 until you are fully healed with #1.  This means managing any pain with cortisone and/or Synvisc shots and then pain meds, if necessary, to delay #2 as long as possible.  Then spend 100% of your energy getting #1 back in shape.  I can't see how you can do #2 when you have no muscles strength in #1...just can't see it.

    I'm 2+ years post-op on #1 with zero pain in #2 although I know it's bone on bone and will need it eventually.  Meanwhile, #1 is poifect!!!!  Think long and hard about how you will live day to day with zero strong legs.  Choose wisely.

    PS: Click my name and then "See All Discussions".  Look up the discussions "TKR Work at Home" and "Post TKR Exercising" and finally "Mastering Post-TKR Stairs".  They will be very helpful.

    • Posted

      Thank you Chico, unfortunately for me my doctor has told me that an injection is not viable at this stage!  I am bone on bone with cysts under my knee cap. I have so far put it off for 3 months but the pain is now getting significantly worse. Unfortunately in the UK, we do have to potentially wait for over a year on the NHS to get it sorted, if I get to go private I’ll be lucky!  Strength-wise, my left operated knee is stronger than the right one now, which makes me think it’s time to start the process! Thanks for your comments, I do understand your view, believe me I’d rather not have it done at all, I’m only 50!
    • Posted

      You can go back to GP and ask him to read-refer you for this knee via NHS Choices to a private provider and can also state which consultant team you want to be referred to. That’s an NHS Constitution right by the way sometimes  they don’t tell you that or tell you you can only choose hospital - that is wrong. 

      PS - being on waiting list does not harm if things change you can suspend progression to treatment ..

    • Posted

      Sorry re-refer and not ‘king’ - long - should have my specs on!
  • Posted

    Hi Sharon,

    I had a right tkr with kneecap in October 17. I had an mua in June this year. Both my knees were bone on bone. However, my recovery has not gone to plan. I cannot straighten leg and despite the correct exercise and recovery programme I am not where I want to be. Therefore I will put off my second knee until I feel I am totally comfortable with my first knee. Chico and the more experienced people on this site say recovery can take up to two years so don't rush into having the second knee done until you are absolutely sure. Good luck ...I am hoping we all get there in the end!

  • Posted

    I was told important not to leave too late as the more function you lose before surgery the harder it is to get good outcome. So that’s something to consider. Another thing to think about is how king you might wait for op? At hospitals here, especially with the top knee surgeons, wait time is now 8-10 months and getting worse. Finally - have you checked your surgeons stats - are you confident in him or her? Best bit of advice I got was that nothing matters as much as having a really good knee specialist surgeon. 
    • Posted

      In UK, if you go NHS you don’t have a choice of surgeon!  Luckily I was happy with my knee surgeon as I was sent private as NHS are snowed under, not sure of situation a year later. Hopefully I’ll get the same one!
  • Posted

    Hi Sharon

    Are you in the U.K.? If so, what area are you in?

    Best wishes

    • Posted

      Hi, in Southampton UK.  Had last one done privately through NHS so I was lucky, only had to wait 3 months. 

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