TKR 14 months on - new pain

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I had a TKR on right knee just over a year ago and suddenly from November onwards I started to get a pain inside the left hand side of the knee which has steadily got worse since then.  I can straighten and bend with no problem but sometimes if I move certain ways it hurts and when I turn over in bed it can hurt.  Been to consultant and the x rays are fine, he is sending me for a bone scan but not sure what that will find out.  I dont think it is the prothesis itself but something else going on.  It has got tighter too. Any ideas welcome, up until this pain started my knee has been great but now seems to be going downhill. Thanks

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Bursitis just below the knee toward the inside. Burning searing pain?
    • Posted

      Oh dear I've got it too. My knee is 2.1/2years old . Never had any problems, then 13 weeks ago had a total hip replacement on the other leg. Few days later all hell let loose. As I was compensating onto the knee leg & it didn't like it one bit!! Done my hamstring, tendons, IT band and have inflammation on the bursa with some fluid. Been stuck at home 12 weeks unable to walk at all!!!! Only just very slowly recovering but the bursa is still very sore. Especially when I lay on either side and the bursa is pressed, can't stay like that!

      Best thing is to put an ice pack on it a few times a day! Put Volterol gel on it regularly! It takes a very long time ( can do) to calm down!

      I've had in the past Bursitis near my hips and had cortisone injections to calm them down.

      Hope this helps. Look on Google re Bursitis


    • Posted

      What you are descibing about hamstring, tendons etc, it has been the same with me. I even had torn quads.  I cannot walk more than 200 m.(yards).

      Bursa becomes very painful. I do a lot of general workout, so I am not a typical older person. Fell that life has ended for me.  I used to travel a lot, now just hotel/beach holidays are left for me. Boring!!!!!!!

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      Surely it MUST get better EVENTUALLY!!????!!!!
  • Posted

    My surgery was November, 2014 and I have experienced the same problem you describe.  Visit to my surgeon, xrays, revealed everything ok.  He said the pain was from tightening of the ligaments.
    • Posted

      Did the surgeon say how long it would take to improve and if you had to do anything to help it?


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