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Hi everyone have just discovered this amazing forum for people like me who have had a TKR recently.  It is so reassuring to read your experiences and know that other people feel the way I do some days!!  I am a 70 year old lady with MS (amongst a few other things!) and my op was on the 2/2/2015.  My stay in hospital was 9 days whilst doctors and my amazing family gently rehabilitated my body without upsetting my MS too much.  I normally walk with either a stick or 2 hiking poles so the crutches don't seem too odd to me.  I have found all your various comments to be very very helpful because it is so easy to think you should be doing what everybody else is doing at a set number of weeks post op.  Pain can be quite severe as many have said but I take only paracetamol - 8 in 24 hours only - because my MS affects my balance so I cannot afford to be "woozy".  Any other pain relief suggestions out there?  I agree ice packs help, particularly after the thrice daily torturous exercise routines!!!!  I had not thought of alternating with warmth so may try that tip.    I found it comforting that other people have shed a few tears too as I am not normally a self pitying cry baby but the tears have fallen easily at times that's for sure.  Thank you all and I look forward to reading more as we all progress.  Next big step will be driving again so watch this space.............

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    I know I have good luck with applying gentle heat to the knee and surrounding muscles ON BOTH LEGS before starting exercises.  I sometimes do the hips and lower back too.   I use a heating pad set on low and have a cup of coffee and read emails / news etc.   It makes it easier for me to get started.  Hope that helps.   Best wishes!
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      Thank you Sky for taking the time to reply and your routine sounds good.


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    I had my first TKR last June and am scheduled for knee number two next week, 18th March.

    Like you, I was so relieved to find this forum and gain enormous comfort from it.  Knowing that all my emotions were quite normal stopped me from thinking I was going nuts at times!

    As far as driving is concerned, whilst some of my friends on this site were eagre to drive after just a few weeks, it took me a good eight weeks before I was ready.

    My physiotherapist suggested that to begin with, I just sat in my car, adjusted the seat and practiced with the pedals.  I then had my husband come out with me for a couple of short drives before venturing out on my own.

    Keep in touch.  I'm sure I am going to need plenty of moral support in a week or so.

    Lynn 9 months post op (and about to have op number two).


    • Posted

      Good luck for the 18th Lynn and I sincerely hope all goes smoothly for you.  Sitting in the car and getting used to pushing the pedals up and down seems like a brilliant idea so many thanks for that.  Will watch for your post op comments on the forum.  Fingers crossed.
  • Posted

    It's a really useful forum isn't it? And it really shows the range of experiences that people have. So far as doing the exercises goes I am finding that a coffee beforehand  means that I feel warmer and more relaxed and,strangely, I am finding it useful to gently massage my leg and give myself verbal encouragement! So my exercises are accompanied by me saying "up,up,up, that's good, an inch more..." Etc. odd but it helps.  Good luck with your recovery!
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      Bizzarly I also massage my misshapen and mega swollen limb before exercising but the words of encouragement come from my husband who kindly makes sure I do the exercises properly!
  • Posted

    Hi there camper, you really are doing well. I like you was on paracetomal as painkillers but could only have 4per day. I found it nevertheless hard and used both ice and hot water bottle for relief. You just have to use whatever helps. With your other problems I am suprised at how well you have got on. I am 83and live alone and found the emotional side along with the pain really difficult to handle. I am now 7months post op and am so much better walking wise, don't use any aids at all now. I am at present in Cyprus with my sister, came for some lovely sun on my knee and quess what it's raining!!. Take care and keep well
    • Posted

      Hi Tucks, thank you so much for replying to my post.  I am a total forum novice so it's kind of people to reply.  How you managed with the rehab alone is something I find hard to even contemplate.  Well done you.  Enjoy your time in Cyprus with your sister and hopefully the sun will soon come out to warm your bionic knee.
    • Posted

      Hi Tucks,

      You were one of my buddies when I had my first knee done.

      I remember so clearly the joy you had at your granddaughters? wedding dancing the night away and feeling 'normal' for the first time in ages.

      Enjoy Cyprus and wish me luck for knee number two next week.

      Lynn 9 months post op


    • Posted

      Thank you too , keep looking at this site it will give you answers, support, and emotional help. It's a long hard road but you will get there. It has helped me get through my tears and frustration and sometimes kept me sane. X
    • Posted

      Oh lyn I didn't realise that your next op was so near, I will be thinking of you my freind and hope with all my heart it goes well. I think the wedding was my goal and I will never forget it. I wonder how I would have got through some of my bad days without the help and support of my friends on this forum. I still get the occasional off day but generally I am good. Just had 2days of sunshine but today it has rained all day. Still I can put up with that the long term forecast looks good. Take care love from tucksxx
  • Posted

    We are the same age, but you have the added of problem of MS which must make things more complicated! My op was 9th January, so a few weeks before you.   I also have problems with balance, and although I was told by my consultant at six weeks that I could leave the crutches, I still find one very useful to avoid losing balance.  You are now at five weeks, so hopefully in the next week or two you will find things getting a lot easier. Most of us seem to discover at the six week consultation that we are  actually doing a lot better than we thought we were! I starded driving at about six weeks i think,but our car is automatic which makes a huge difference. I don't think I could cope with the clutch in traffic. . . I also find warmth soothing at night, especially on the thigh which seems to have been affected by the tourniquet .  Stay with the forum!  It' s a great place to be. . 
    • Posted

      Hi there and thanks for your kind reply.  Night time is difficult for me because my MS is often "twitchy" and past bowel cancer mean frequent loo visits and sleeping on my back is not the most comfortable of positions!  Are you now sleeping on your side?  When were you allowed to do that?  I find that the skin near my scar is still very sensitive and I am sleeping with a summer 4.5 tog duvet to minimize the weight on the legs.  I "googled" a silk duvet cover which I thought might help but the prices surprised me!!!  I am using bio oil on my scar and am really pleased with the way it is healing.  Hope you continue to do well.

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