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I had a TKR nearly 5 months ago, I still get slight discomfort and swelling if I am on my legs for a while.

The problem I have I am having my other knee done on the 13th and I am terrified.

I had a spinal block last time and heard everything, then there's the pain after the op.

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    i had both legs done last year the first time i slept through it all last time i was wide awake maybe this time you might sleep  I  have found the pain hasnt been as bad as the first leg But you survived the first leg so you will be ok They must think you need it done or they would have put you on hold for a while Anyway Good luck x
  • Posted

    Hi Deb

    I know how you feel. I had a partial last June and now need the other one doing although not sure at this point whether it's a partial or total. I have been putting it off as long as I can to get my other knee, which will take all the strain, stronger. A joke really as its my mind that needs to be stronger, I was in so much pain last time, being allergic to any opioids I am dreading it. Also like you it is still uncomfortable when I stand or walk for a long time. And of course stiff if you sit too long.

    we can only draw strength from the people on here who have got through it.

    We have to think (and hope) that afterwards we will be recovering not deteriorating through the pain.

    good luck for the 13th I get my date on Thursday next week😬 and think it will be towards the end of this month.

    • Posted

      Good luck for your op, please let me know when you get your date
  • Posted

    Hi Deb X I had a TKR last June I had the spinal block I never heard a thing because I asked for something to help me so I wouldn't hear anything it was great I didn't hear a thing, also I had no pain after I was fine I had a lot of bruising but no pain I'm having my left knee done as well soon and I will be asking for the same stuff again. I'm just fed up with the swelling on the side of my right leg I had done it looks like fluid it's like that every time I go out you keep going you get there sooner or later keep doing your excercises and ice packs xx good luck xxx

    • Posted

      Good luck with your op. I have decided to go for the block, I have spoken to the pre assessment nurse at Nuffield and she has written it in my notes what happened and also adviced me to speak to the anesthetist.
  • Posted

    Let doc know you could hear everything so they can fix that! Wishing you all the best for a good strong recovery smile
    • Posted

      I have spoken to the pre op nurse, she has written it on my notes. I will also tell them
  • Posted

    After reading and responding to over 3,000 posts on here, I can tell you one thing about a second TKR: No two are the same.  Very few people report having a similar experience with #2.  The vast majority either have a better or worse experience.  Absolutely no way of telling on which side you'll fall.  One big suggestion: Unless your other knee is soooo painful that you must have it done, a lot of people opt to fully recover from #1 (over a year) before trying #2.  It's your call.  I'm 2 years post-op with not a lot of pain in #2 so I'm putting mine off until I am absolutely strong enough to handle it.  Good luck.

  • Posted

    Hi, I had a RTKR last October and have just got my date through for the left one which is March 13th so it will be just 5months in between them.  I feel I shall be able to cope alright after the first week or 10 days as that was when it was at its most excruciating point. I’m well prepared this time and have got a few things to help me when I get home, one of them being a support surround for the toilet as it was really difficult getting on and off before my knee could bend enough. I shall be plsd to get it over and done with so that I can concentrate on healing properly and then get back to some normality of life. Good luck and do keep us updated on your progress after your op. 

    Regards, J

    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply. It make so much sense to think the way you are
  • Posted

    I had a spinal when I had my TKR and slept like a baby throughout .. maybe you will this tome too but mention it to your consultant 
    • Posted

      I have spoken to the pre op nurse, she has written it in my notes.

      I will also mention it to the anesthetist.

  • Posted

    Hi Deb,

    Your post could be my post as I am in the same situation.  Had a LTKR last August and am having my right one done March 12!  I too, am very nervous because my knee which had the tkr, is still stiff and swells.  I just got off the phone speaking to my surgeon's nurse and she said this is very normal.  For one thing, due to my other knee being bad, that has placed more stain on my 'new' knee.  I'm hoping once I get the new knee this will put less work on my other knee.  On top of all of this, I've developed piriformis syndrome, so I'm dealing with that too.

    I had a spinal block also, but asked to be put to sleep, so I heard nothing...from what I hear that was a good choice.  Not looking forward to more months of pain, insomnia, nausea, etc., but can't put up with the knee pain any longer, really no choice.  At least I'll be more prepared this time, knowing what to expect and am hopeful that despite the months of PT and pain, everything will be worth it.  

    Let's stay  positive and patient, as time is on our side!  Many blessings and keep in touch!  Good luck on the 13th, I'll be thinking of you. Cherry🍒

    • Posted

      Thank you for your lovely message, yes let's stay positive

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