Tkr and cold

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I had a tkr5wks ago and its healing nicely ,my problem is my foot akeeps feeling realy cold even with a sock on it feels cols.theres no discolour and it is pink but im just worried bout it feeling cold.x

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I have that happen,mone did this before surgery when asked my doctor about it he told me to move it around its circulation.I've even had to put two pairs of socks on.Always ck with your docter. Glad to hear everything else is going good.I'm having trouble with my bend.

    • Posted i think about it it isnt cold when i walk about just when im resting.
  • Posted

    thats strange my feet are ok despite having compression stockings on still as I was told to keep them on forĀ  6 wks.
    • Posted

      Ive never been told to wear compression stocking just elevate and ice.x

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