TKR think, think again.

Posted , 20 users are following.

research, read all the comments on patient, not just one persons notes and results..

i can only tell you I have deeply regretted this operation.

its changed my life for the worse.

i would rather deal with one knee pain, bad as it was,then feel like a invalid, and have pain all very my body.

so much regret, and I did research, but not on this page

my big mistake

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57 Replies

  • Posted

    Alison, it's only four months since you had your op. Consultants say it takes a year, can be longer before you have your full potential back.

    If you needed a tkr, your knee would have just got worse, and you really would have been an invalid.

    It does get better, I've had both done, plus other surgeries in the last 12 months, my knees are not perfect, but I can walk. People are so different, this time next year you will feel differently. Give it time.

    Don't think that you are 100% yet.

    • Posted

      Thank you Laura 3333

      yes I'll keep trying and doing the work, but really do think more should be advised about all the other things that can go wrong, I knew it was going to be difficult, I really did research it, but did not know I would end up with so many other problems.

      iam no quitter, so onwards and upwoods, and fingers crossed things get easier, it's also that much more difficult when you have a auto amune illness, and the only carer fir a husband who gas Alzheimers.

      thanks for your message, take care and keep well.


  • Posted

    So sorry this has not been a success for you Alison.

    I count myself extremely lucky that the tkr worked for me as I know others who have had this operation and like you have regretted it.

    You do completely put yourself in their hands.


  • Posted

    So sorry to hear about your frustrations, Alison. I, too, am at 4 weeks--almost 5--and I feel like I've gone backwards over the past month with increased GRI Indy and clunking, plus more pain. I attribute it to not exercising as I should. I get around find, climbing stairs, walking, et al.

    Can you give more details about what you're feeling and what exercises you're doing? Perhaps the community can help.

  • Posted

    So sorry for your experience. My bilateral tkr was the best thing ever. Happy New Year!
    • Posted

      I know that this is not how you meant to come across, but a comeback of "my bilateral was the greatest thing ever. Happy New Year" would have felt like salt poured into my open wound. As one who had a TKR surgery turned into three surgeries, who lost 55 lbs and much of my hair and all my eyelashes, was home on IV antibiotics with a hip to ankle immobilizer no weight bearing for three months with unimaginable pain, an answer like yours would make me feel more defeated and depressed.

      I am 3 years out from my surgery.... nerve damage from infection causes ongoing pain, but I'm much better and have great ROM in that leg. Do comments like yours still sting? Yep. I'm glad it can go me hope for my other leg. But you just won the lottery. It isn't always that way.

  • Posted

    Of course, i don't know what specific problems you may have encountered, but I have to say that four months is very much at the beginning of the rather long road back to complete recovery. i am now two years post op, and feel that my knee is probably as good as it's going to get. Still some stiffness above the knee, tenderness in the thigh, and burning feet perhaps from the intradural, but all in all, not too bad.  At four months I was still regretting having it done, with pain, tiredness, exhaustion, depression etc.etc.  I hope in your case time will give you a new lease of life and you'll finally be glad you had it done!  I know that it is not everyone's experience, but fingers crossed for you. 

    • Posted

      Such good advice for Allison. My heart breaks for her. 4 months is early but 4 months of pain is enough to push anyone over the edge! I hope your story helps. God bless!
    • Posted

      Thank you Martinarvelo.

      ill keep going with all the exercises, thanks fir your info, and fingers crossed things get better, Iam not a quitter.

      take care your self, and keep well.

    • Posted

      After around six months   or so I think . . ., I stopped counting the days and hours, and wish I had kept a journal now. !  I'm not sure exactly when it was, but I suppose around 20 weeks . . once I was off the tramadol, and the knee no longer seemed to be the centre of all my exertions and worries, and pain was just a background nuisance rather than something which seemed to take control of me. . . and it is true that with time you tend to forget just how awful it was!  I imagine that if I ever have to have the other one day I shall curse and swear and wish I hadn't ever had it done again . . . .bit like childbirth,b but worse.  Instead of 10 - 15 hours, months!


    • Posted

      Perfect response!!! Thank you so much!

      I know I will be facing a TKR on my other knee. It hurts daily, but until I can get to the point where I feel good about the knee I just had done I can't even go there!

  • Posted

    I'm so sorry you haven't had a good time of it Alison. And I really hope that it gets better for you - I'm sure it will. Very good wishes for that.

    However I do feel it necessary to put another side forward. I'm 7 weeks in and am so happy I made the decision to have a tkr. No, it hasn't been an easy ride, the exercises at times were excruciating. But they've worked. I already walk better than I have for two years.

    I hope yours gets better and you find it worthwhile in the end.


    • Posted

      Thank you for your estimate of 7 weeks!!! I'm at 4 weeks on my TKR. It gets a little better everyday, but I think I need to be patient!

    • Posted

      I did notice a definite improvement at six weeks. . .although there were ups and downs for months after that. . . .Taking a long term view is essential, as however much we want it to, it isn't going to heal in a couple of weeks!


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