To educated,trained and experienced to get Social Security Disability in US
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This is what my 1st denial was from Social Security and it doesn't make any sense when it comes to pain, hurting not being able to function. Today I had enough energy to make some homemade chocolate chip cookies and I was exhausted and hurting so bad afterwards. Tell me how I can work!! This disease has progressed so much just in the last year! I only have 2 more years before I can collect Social Security anyways but I'm 60 and have worked for 42 years, I haven't been leaning on any kind of system. I collected unemployment over a year ago and I was determined to go back to work even with the pain and I lucked out having a abusive boss and only lasted 6 months and it made the fibromyalgia go double in pain. Since then nothing has changed, just getting worse. So per my title it doesn't matter if you have pain!! Now I have to appeal and I feel so tired of fighting.
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tiswas24537 Lucyred
i make a cake taking 25 mins then i knackered for the rest of the day .
infact i make sponges now simply because they can be beaten with an electric whisk
where a cake has to have the flour stired and folded in which by the end of it my arm is aching so bad i could cry .how the hell am i supposed to work .as besides from the pain ,i keep falling a
sleep even when standing up .
christine26761 Lucyred
tiswas24537 Lucyred
remember its a buisness now sorting out claims .the more people they get of bennefit
the more the bonus they get .
a poor lad with Aspergers like my son starved himself to death after his bennefit was cut ,and theres many more such cases .the goverment dont care about these people only about cutting benefits .
Lucyred tiswas24537
tiswas24537 Lucyred