To those in Post Menopause
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I am curious, and find it very hard to find any helpful information about your last periods? Frequency? heaviness? How many days? how many days apart etc...before you finally had your last one. I can't seem to find info on what to expect?
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christina81747 jamie37119
i dont think there is such info everyone is different your body is going to do what it wants there is basic info not exact i have friends who periods just stop they have no symptims or anything! my period comes all over the place never sure how many days im 49 and i never kniw where inreally am in my cycle i wouldnt stress it too much!!
jamie37119 christina81747
Not worried just curious of others stories. I know everyone is different.
nancys21 jamie37119
At 48 I started skipping a period every other month. Right before that I had 2 within less than a month apart. My last periods were extremely heavy. They stopped almost 2 years ago. I will be 51 in December. I find post a bit better than peri, but still a struggle. Hope this all comes to an end!
jamie37119 nancys21
Thank you for sharing. I am glad Post is getting better for you . I hope that it improves more for you as well
NewfieMom jamie37119
My last two were 11 months apart. The second to last was pretty heavy and lasted about 5-6 days which was normal for me. The last was about 4-5 days and really light. It was more like spotting almost. I had about 12 hours of bleeding. The rest just spotting for a few days. I am just over the 12 month threshold from the last. I am 53.
jamie37119 NewfieMom
oh that 11 months would have been frustrating . Thank you for sharing. Mine have been fortnightly, now moved back to normalish but only go for 3 days (I used to go 5 to 7) ...not finished yet but hoping I am heading that way
sara97862 jamie37119
Ha Jamie, not sure if I am what you'd call normal, but here's my experience...
About 3 years ago, I was having heavier than usual periods, but still on my normal schedule every 26 days. Migraines from hell every 2 weeks. Inflamed everywhere. Cervical mucus by the boatload (sorry if tmi). Anxiety out of control.
Then the cycles got shorter (24 days) and back to average flow. That lasted a little over a year. And I felt more normal as time went on
Then I had 2 very short (15 days), heavy cycles. Exhaustion, nausea, digestion issues, caught every virus coming and going. Constant headaches. More anxiety and muscle tension. That was a year ago.
Since October 2018, they have been mostly just spotting for 4 or 5 days, and have been every length imagineable in between... 36 days, 21 days, 28 days, 32 days. And the other symptoms have REALLY ramped up recently. So bad I'm having every test under the sun to rule out anything sinister.
Very frustrating.
You sound a lot like me... it was actually my fortnightly periods that took me to the doctor and symptoms from hell. I have now gone back to every 24 days, I used to be every 28 for 5 to 7 days long... but now every 24 for three days. My so called hot flashes feel like my heart will stop and I will die but because they range from 5 minutes to half hour and can't guarantee to have it happen at the doctors, I cant' be checked out. It also seems to happen more around period time, before that and ovulation. Previous to all this, I was constantly hot felt inflamed continuously and when I walk its like my legs and hips hurt too much to go very fast, weight gain etc...its horrible and a cruel joke if you ask me.
sara97862 jamie37119
Agree 1000%.
No matter how many times they happen and you don't fall over dead, it's still draining. By the end of every work week, I am completely exhausted from trying to keep focus through all that.
That's not like me... I enjoy my work and my colleagues. Trying to be competent and reasonably pleasant 45 hours a week while burning up, aching, feeling dizzy and like my heart will quit every few hours is really wearing on me, though.
jamie37119 sara97862
I know what you mean, frankly it has taken any joy in my day away. I should be teaching but I don't have the energy for that as well as solo parenting so am now looking for ideas so I can work from home but haven't found anything as another symptom I seem to have is a foggy brain and inability to make good decisions as well
Betty97 jamie37119
Mine went from every 28 days on the dot to fewer and further between, they also became heavier, my last period lasted 6 weeks until I went to the doctor who thought that I might need a blood transfusion, I had had six weeks of virtual flooding, I didn't need a transfusion, just iron tablets and was given tablets to stop the bleeding, basically I was having a final massive clear out, that was ten years ago, 63 now and still getting symptoms. Just to add, I think my case was probably exceptional, and I wouldn't think that it is normal to go out with such a bang haha 😃