Toe separators after surgery???
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Hi guys,
Hope you're all well. I just wanted to know if anyone of you are wearing toe separators after surgery. If you are I just wanted to know how long after surgery did you start wearing them. I'm a little concerned about my big toes straying towards the others. I also still have small bumps where my original bunions were. I'm hoping that's due to swelling but not quite sure. I don't see the nurse or doctor till the 7th November yet and feel I need to ask a lot of questions still.
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lindleyk jazzym05353
jazzym05353 lindleyk
do you think it made a difference?
lindleyk jazzym05353
lizmw jazzym05353
jazzym05353 lizmw
Even if I am given separators or splints to wear I can see my toes straying over too. But as long as they don't hurt like before I don't think I should really complain
lefty_Canuck_6 jazzym05353
I notice that without the separator my toes migrate together within seconds. Surgeon explained that while the bone has healed, the soft tissues (ligaments etc.) take a lot longer and he wants a spacer while they heal.
I also have a small bump (nothing like before) but surgeon said it will decrease as swelling decreases. Still, wayyy better than pre-op.
jazzym05353 lefty_Canuck_6
yes I think mine might be due to swelling too a little bit but the rest I think is just the way my foot and bones are shaped
Did the separators help you with the straightening of your toes?
lefty_Canuck_6 jazzym05353
sheila_27698 jazzym05353
I am day 16 post surgery and had stitches out yesterday. I had surgery in k foot 20 yrs ago with excellent result it took a full yr before swelling settled down properly. I had pins which were removed at 6 weeks. I have concerns abt this second op. My big toe is curving in and i have been given a bunion brace. I was told this will straighten out but am not convinced. My l foot was straight immediately. The dressing post op was tight. I do have some swelling under ball of foot and it may be that this is affecting angle of toe. And other toes that were operated on are still v swollen. Foot looked a bit odd but surgeons did not seem concerned. I go back in a month to have pin out of second toe. Please keep me posted with yr recovery.
cynthia31960 sheila_27698
How is it now after a year? Did the toe straighten after the swelling was gone?
jasmine00386 sheila_27698
Aimeekate jazzym05353
jazzym05353 Aimeekate
sheila_27698 jazzym05353
The bunion splint i have been given is having good effect on keeping my big tie straighter. The curve at two weeks was very pronounced and I had obvious bump at site of bunion. I had a lot of work done on my foot all but one toe was operated on. at 3 weeks I really see a difference and have posted some pics to show. On a dif thread. My 4th toe still looks funny but I think as i heal and use my foot this will improve. My l foot took a full 12 months to heal nd during that time I saw good aesthetic improvement.
The bump has gone as swelling has decreased but big toe starting to look more natural. I now think the bump was the tissue in a shape where my bunion used to be. I do have alot if healing to do my scars are scabbed and my foot is dry. I am a nurse and have read many diff articles on post op care and it seems some surgeons prefer to start the brace at 6 weeks to 12 weeks as it is the tissue they wish to realign rather than the bunion repair as this is pinned into position. Some start physio at 4 weeks others not till 6 weeks. Some let you wiggle toes from day one others prefer u t wait till after 6 week xray check. I spoke to my surgeon on the phone and felt very reassured I think you need to speak honestly about yr concerns a good surgeon will give u the correct advice for their procedure.
Keep in touch we all heal at diff rates and it depends on procedure. I am thinking of you x
jazzym05353 sheila_27698
Thanks ever so much for your positive feedback. That already makes me feel better. Will keep you posted.