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does anyone have foot pain and burning? mine is mainly in the big toes!!

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23 Replies

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    yep! Since beginning this meno journey Ive had ingrown toenails, a torn perineal tendon and planter fasciitis, ankle swelling.

    At first I didn't make the podiatrist did. But of course as a woman she knew it was as related to hormonal fluctuations as are my sudden allergies and digestive issues. Male docs say it's just aging, but yes of course it is! The way WOMEN'S body age, hormonally!! So yeah, add that to your list, hon.

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      I'm dealing with a tear now-- actually 2 tears... Don't know how I did this!!! Could've been torn for awhile and finally just gave in. Did you have surgery for yours? I'm doing everything I can to get it healed.. mainly elevate and ice.. I pray that it gets better because we all need out feet!!

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      Nope, no surgery...a boot for 3 straight months! I teach 5th grade so i had to wear the boot during the day and do a series of massages and stretches at night. It healed itself.

    • Posted

      Holy cow!!! 3 months?? BUT hey, it healed itself so that is great!! I take many supplements already but I bought some collagen AND the turmeric/cucumin to see if heals faster.. : ) Thanks for giving me hope..

  • Posted

    me too grace i get the burning in my big toes and tingling and sometime all over my toes and heels plus the pain i hate it hope u feel better

  • Posted

    I get this, I'm post menopause, I get a severe burning sensation on the top of my feet, plus cramp, been like it for years

  • Posted

    Burning feet (used to be just left now in both) for a few years. It also coincides with other peri symptoms.

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    yes i had this feeling stared at age 45, two of my small toes tingling feeling , it gets worst when my period comes.

  • Posted

    thanks everyone, I am relieved that its not just me !! everyday Ihave a new pain and it scares me . I google some things but that jst makes me feel worse bcuz I start thinking that I have every disease associated with joint pain. I am going to see a Rheumatologist to find out if its RA.I'm praying that it will just be menopause related.

    Ihope we all start feeling better so we can enjoy getting older.God bless 😃

  • Posted

    I've had the bottoms of my feet ache here and there.. It's not from wearing shoes or walking all day either because many times I've been off my feet and it still feels odd.. Sometimes in the morning. I take many vitamins and supp too... Joys of hormones I guess

  • Posted

    Hello Grace, yes we were just discussing this yesterday. Terrible problems with the big toe, sometimes feels like someone stabbing it with an ice pick. Other times tingling and numbness. And the foot pain is bad. My foot doctor told me that I have cystic changes in my feet, whatever that means. also if I were myalgia and she said that that is worse for the feed and that I had unusually bad arthritis for my age. If you have planters fasciitis it’s my believe it gets much worse during perimenopause and menopause. You also can get what I think is called plantar fibroids and you can have them surgically removed but they more than likely come back. if you have planters fasciitis they have inserts specifically for that, I got some at TJ Maxx the other day and they are terrific. for some reason the foot pain seems worse at night, is it worse for you at night in bed. are you taking supplements, High quality supplements really help.

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      yes, sometimes the pain is worsenwhen I'm in bed. I am taking Vit D, Turmeric and glucosamine.

    • Posted

      Grace, i’ve taken Tumeric for a long time, but I quit because it really didn’t seem like it did nothing. Then my pharmacist explained to me today, when I was getting supplements at his pharmacy, he makes them, that you have to take her Curcumin, curcumin is what decreases the pain. He said they have to be taken together:)

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      can I buy them together or do they sell it separately? the one i take now is just turmeric.

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      I think it’s sold in one bottle, it’s Tumeric with curcumim I think, check with your pharmacist 😉

    • Posted

      Yes. it's sold in bottle.. I just bought some the other day to see if it helps with tendon issues. The lady told me it's good together-- turmeric and curcumin and also mine came with black pepper too.. The black pepper and turmeric increases the absorption of curcumin.

    • Posted

      Kelly… Thank you… You are right ..,,the black pepper helps that ..I’m sorry, I was going to say that earlier... but it’s all sp inundating ....this information we consume over the many years ....and what I remember ....why I don’t remember ...thank you for including 😃

    • Posted

      Be sure to take tumeric and pepper with a fat so your body can absorb it. I put mine in natural peanut butter with a touch of honey and have a couple of spoonfuls a day.

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