Tongue changes
Posted , 6 users are following.
Hi has anyone notice changes in the tongue I have a severe dry mouth the tongue is white sometimes.
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Posted , 6 users are following.
Hi has anyone notice changes in the tongue I have a severe dry mouth the tongue is white sometimes.
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samantha46571 maria76995
This was one of the first things i notice when i found out i was going through the peri menopause. I was suffering with really bad insomnia and anxiety at that time. Are you drinking enough as you might be dehydrated?
How have you been feeling?
Best wishes :-)
maria76995 samantha46571
Hi Samantha are you saying you have a dry mouth and white tongue..I'm worried it might get thrush in it..I'm not good feel terrible from not sleeping and not myself can't do no house woirk not happy Anxiety got me I feel like I'm nervous inside shaking out side. Or could be tremors, I worrying puts me off my favorites foods, I just told my dr that I lost a bit of weight and she concern and checking my white blood cells for infections..but it's me no appetite but I listen to bit music cheer myself bit and I find later in the afternoon I w ant to eat, you don't know how long I w old be this way I'm post next month I hate to go out feeling like a zombie and feeling weird, how about you thanks for asking.
samantha46571 maria76995
Sorry to hear your not feeling good!
Are you going through the peri at the moment? I too lost weight, i feel that was my anxiety caused that.
No white tongue now, i had swabs done and all came back clear, that is when i knew i was going through something my FSH level confirmed that.
I am okay i have the odd good and back days of insomnia, anxiety and get scared of the most stupid things.
Go to your doctors and ask for a swab to rule out thrush.
Good luck
maria76995 samantha46571
I had this dry mouth at the beginning of peri and my dentist sent me to dentistry and they couldn't find anything wrong the did loads bloods and said they think it's Anixety causing it..but will again ask my dr for mouth swab as you said..I got health Anixety too thinking something seriously wrong with me all my bloods are ok so far the white cells she said are ok just bit high so she did them again to rule out infections in the body just hoping it's fine too, I'm ending peri menopause this month come Feburary begins Post menopause.for me at last but the crap I guess Carrys on.
2chr2015 maria76995
maria76995 2chr2015
Hi 2chr, yes my dry mouth has got better thank God six months into Post menopause I can say it's now a mouth to have back..all the Anixety has lessen I'm still hot but not as bad so maybe things are improving slowly, I go out and about now more often and catch up with about you since I last spoke to you how are you doing please let me know.
2chr2015 maria76995
Hi Maria. Thanks for replying. I am in the crazy part of Peri, bogged down with symptoms. I have an occasional decent day, but I’m usually stressing about one symptom or another. I am being treated for oral thrush right now. She wasn’t positive but she gave me some mouthwash that should take care of it if it is. It is mostly just a white coating, but I have these weird white patches too. It happened about 6 months ago too. The dentist biopsied it and it came back as nothing. Talk about anxiety!! That was awful😩. So I am hoping this mouthwash will get rid of it. Well when I get rid of this, it will be something else. Lol.
I’m glad you are doing better. Thanks for asking how I was. Please stay in touch
maria76995 2chr2015
2chr2015 maria76995
Thank you Maria!😊
michelle92591 maria76995
maria76995 michelle92591
Hi Michelle, it will go way with time it's hormones messing about but it eases I'm Post Meno.