too many days

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Im 49 sometime i dont get a period for three or four months well this time i got my period with no cramps but it does adt up too two weeks wht do i do

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm 49 also. My periods were making miserable. My dr recommend that I go on permanent birth control. Yeah no more periods.   Really really helped the situation and no more bloating 
  • Posted

    Hi Groovydizzy

    this is all normal in peri, erractic periods none for months then one lasting alot longer than normal...  nothing can be done... 

    if the pill route was taken contraceptive pill, some doctors do not give that when your in your 40's, plus when you stop taking the contraceptive pill or HRT you still have to go through this again, I am aged 50 been in peri 9/10 years and took natural route, as for me the oestrogen wants to naturally drop and HRT and Contraceptive pill just confuses the body, bumps up the hormones back up which maybe helps, but you cant take them for ever so will have to go through this all over again at a later age..

    ( i cant take HRT due to family history, but wouldnt anyway.. ) 


    Jay xx

    • Posted

      My dr put me on the pill for the outrageous cramping and bloating I was experiencing. Of course it's not forever, but it does the trick and is one less thing you have to worry about on this journey called Menopause. The average age of menopause is 51 so we will reevaluate it again then. Trust me it's well worth not having to get a period each month. Mine were terrible. 
    • Posted

      Hi Jane..

      glad it helps you ... peri isnt nice, i have had about 9 or ten years of it...

      had all the symptoms going... only now age just 50 ..  i am hopefully nearing the end, full meno reached .. will be one year next month no periods.. yippeeeeeee... have learned alot along the way and how to get through it etc.. been a life changjng journey... 

      take care Jay x

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