Too much pain
Posted , 9 users are following.
I dont mean to be negative but i have suffered all these pains from Acute tendinitius to excruciating back pain ( i cant even sweep my kitchen floor without having to lie down till the pain goes) I have nerve damage to my shoulder so iam on Pre-gabalin for that ,which i do-not like at all in fact the list of medication goes on and on and now this HRT dylema to e honest i really wish someone would tell me what the hell is going on with my body!!! I cant remember the last time i truelly felt well . Think i've had enough if this is what life has in store for me for god knows how many years to come. So unhappy and fed up of feeling like this
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michelle50768 arlene27752
Sorry your feeling so bad. All my symptoms started at 40 im now 48. So been in perimenopause 8 years. How old are you if you dont mind me asking.
Your symptoms could well be hormonal.
Ive had every menopause symptom thet is to have. There are days when im just so overwhelmed!!!! Im not on hrt but did go on an AD in November called mirtazapine. It did help a little. Just keep telling yourself this too shall pass. Hormones can do crazy things to our bodies and minds.
God bless and keep posting on this site it really is a lifesaver. Im sure someone will be able to give you more advice than me. I never knew perimenopause could be this awful but one day at a time. Xxx
arlene27752 michelle50768
michelle50768 arlene27752
Feel free to talk anytime
bobbysgirl michelle50768
My faith helps me too. It's nice to know we are the 'apple of his eye' and 'we can cast ALL our cares on Him'. I need to remember that more often.
natalie86711 arlene27752
foreveryoung arlene27752
Carolmayhew6 arlene27752
It's terrible to have the pains n discomfort isn't it
I've had reduced mobility since February sent home from work 13th dec with back pain n unable move
Got that sorted n then I got excruitiating pain in my knee then my other knee OMG I ? I had something seriously wrong slow but surly but with pain still present I'm getting about better but not how I was previously to getting the pain
I had an aroroscopy to my left knee on Tuesday last week n boy is it painful but I'm hoping it will have helped
Legs feel like jelly at the min as though they won't hold my weight so doing strengthening exercises n taking paracetamol as though there goin out of fashion
Hope you feel better soon yes it drags us down dusnt it like you I just want to feel better x
debbie03785 arlene27752
AusWinnie arlene27752
You have my sympathy. I can't remember the last time I felt "normal". Things started for me at about 45. At the time I didn't recognise that it was peri but I do now. I am now 60 and haven't had a period for a couple of years but I have constant pain. Lower back, knees, shoulders and most recently wrists. It's so debilitating. I take Ibuprofin when it's bad but just keep hoping things will get better. I am going to see a special doctor in June. I forget what they are called but they are medical doctors who also incorporate naturopathic remedies. I am hoping he might be able to give me some answers. I am also going to try and go on a cleansing diet eliminating sugar and processed foods to see if that helps. I have been to chiropractors, pysios, oesteos, Bowen therapy, acupuncturists, etc. must be time for a naturopath 😉. If Someone could just tell me that this eventually gets better I feel I could cope.
bobbysgirl arlene27752
20 years ago I injured my neck and right shoulder in a riding accident. 6 years ago I dislocated the same shoulder. I get terrible pins and needles in my hands (and feet). A 'Specialist' told me I had Carpel Tunnel Syndrom. I said 'if it's in my wrist WHY is it worse when I'm lying down?!'
I have tried many 'natural remedies', non of them worked so I asked the Doc. for HRT. I was on that for a while and felt like my old self - then I started getting bleeds, so I stopped. The night sweats came back, the joint pain (shoulders, neck, hips, back, right ankle, right elbow), I can't sleep and I could whinge for Ireland!
I've gone back on to HRT, (damn it what's a bit of blood?) I am slowly starting to feel human again. Waiting for blood test results then I'm back to Docs. to get a more suitable HRT.
I realise I am very fortunate in having an understanding OH. He is having problems of his own right now and we make a right pair! He recently treated me to a back massage for my birthday. It was FABULOUS, I can really recommend it. She undid so many knots in my back, I felt like I was walking on air (for a while!)
The girls all have some good ideas, hot water bottles (I use microwaveable bean bags), pain killers (a migraine treatment with paracetamol, codine and something that helps with nausea works a treat), be kind to yourself and treat yourself to a massage, a bit of pampering and 'me' time.
Any time you feel the need to vent, we are here for you. As they say around here 'work away' (feel free to do want you want)
kathy46259 arlene27752
This is the place to be negative.
I finally went back on HRT with the prejesterone. The pains are much, much better. I sat with a Pharmasist and went over all the tests and reports done on premerine. 90% of the women with brest cancer have never been on HRT. We are paying too much attention to the research done on PremPro that showed all the bad news and its off the market.
All of us have different info. and opinons.
Breath..............let us hear from you in a few days and let us know how you are doing. All of us do care.
natalie86711 arlene27752
natalie86711 arlene27752
michelle50768 arlene27752
I want to set us all a little challenge ne included!!!!
What you say is what you get and where the mind goes the man follows.
So lets take a one week challenge and speak only positive things into our situation and life.
No speaking negative only positive words and affirmations.
Lets all try this as hard as it may be.
I would love to hear how we all get on.
Happy thoughts xx
Stay in touch and lets get well together x
Carolmayhew6 michelle50768
bobbysgirl michelle50768
As a 90 year old friend of mine would say 'Bugger old age'.