Too quiet. Has everybody been cured and feeling perfect?

Posted , 9 users are following.

What on earth is going on i wonder? i have been on this discussion forum for nearly 5 years now and it has never been this quiet. Nothing for one week!? Just wondering if you have all been cured, feeling fabulous and living a great life? Or?

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Morning Robin!!

    Yes, the forum goes like this every now and then doesn't it?

    Maybe everyone is concentrating on trying to get through Christmas and are making New Year's Resolutions to try to keep on top of their drinking next year.

    After my post the other week, I've decided it's not worth having a drink on Christmas Day so I'm trying to find something nice and non-alcoholic to drink as I'm now really fed up of diet coke!!

    We've got to go Xmas food shopping soon so I'll scour the soft drink aisles to try find something exotic sounding to have a toast with my Xmas dinner. Any suggestions - it's got to be no sugar as well.

    Anyway Robin, onwards and upwards and sending you and your family Happy Christmas wishes!!

    Alll the best

    Claire xx

  • Posted

    Yep. I'm here too, but nothing much to report. I was given some no alcohol beer and it certainly tastes like beer. It would make people think that I actually do drink again, but I would rather have something like orange etc at any parties I go to, (parties? Yeah right!), so people know I don't imbibe and won't tempt me! I don't like this time of year. All the hurry hurry buy buy buy must end soon sales yelling from the tv. The remote is always by my side luckily. And so on. But HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE and try to stay sober. Your Christmas will be even happier if you do! John.

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    I've been sober 13 months now and I have no cravings for alcohol at all which I never thought would be possible after drinking 2 bottles of wine a night for years. I did 6 days hospital detox with Diazepam, then 4 months of campral, all the time going to 2 different AA meetings a week. It's not a cult, you don't have to believe in "GOD" and it's Β£1.00 for a cup of tea and up to 90 minutes of what you could call "group therapy" that you couldn't find or pay for anywhere else!

    This isn't a hard sell but just to anyone who is scared of walking into a meeting, don't be, just try it, if it's not for you, you've lost nothing!

    GOOD LUCK everyone and happy sober Xmas! Big Tom for me on Christmas Day!!

    • Posted

      13 months sober is a MASSIVE achievement.good for you and brilliant. Keep it upπŸ˜†πŸ˜…πŸ˜„Robin

  • Posted

    Hi Robin,

    I haven't wrote on this forum for 3 years but for some reason I got an email about this post today and thought i'd reply.

    I've been sober for 20 months now and I've just been having a read through my old posts - man, was I in hell! Although difficult to read in parts it was a great reminder for me to not even be tempted by alcohol this Christmas - it can offer me absolutely nothing, it can only take away.

    Definitely going with Humpty's idea and going to peruse the soft drink aisle for something different to drink on Christmas day as I am sick of the sight of diet coke! Haha

    Looking forward to eating some nice food though and trying not to give in to too many sugar cravings - I don't think that will ever go, since I gave up alcohol I love all things chocolate, cakes and sweets.

    I hope you are well Robin πŸ˜ƒ

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      Great achievement 20 months for certain. Lidl does sparkling tall green bottles which look like white wine but it is Sicilian lemonade. Other flavours and also in a elegant bottles. Try it.

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      Sugar cravings! I'm the same but have never really thought of why? I eat chocolate etc every day and love my puddings, always with ice cream. When I was drinking I hardly touched any stuff like that. It didn't help that I worked in Cadburys for about 8 years either! Maybe work on this next year. I did put on weight but lost 12 kg and haven't put it back yet. Nice to read these posts. I check every morning.

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    Well i am definitely not cured i had to be led out of work yesterday by colleagues because i was so drunk from vodka drinking it all day. And i feel like today i will end up getting p****d again. And it scares the f**k out of me

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      Tricky Shane. Do you have a goal in life?? I stopped 31st dec 2012 since i had been drinking massive mounts before and during xmas. Enough is enough i said. Not easy at all to do but i had reached rock bottom. Robin

  • Posted

    Was wondering the same thing Robin!!

    All good here and know youre the same.

    Excited grandsons, mega hyped up. New grandchild due in 3 weeks.

    Enjoy christmas with your lovely family. Its nearly 8 years sober for you isnt it?

    • Posted

      7 years. I thought it was 8 years but it is 7 which is still not bad. All organised here with roast goose and present for twins who are 9 years old now.

  • Posted

    All good here thanks.

    Hoping everyone has a great Christmas, or at least a Christmas that they will remember for all the right reasons.



  • Posted

    Its extremely quiet isnt Robin.I first joined you guys on here Dec 2016 and it was really busy here then ...the heavy drinking days seem a lifetime away now but i dont forget the help and support I received .I am still working with the sinclair method but I no longer think about or enjoy alcohol so a drink is a rare thing.I have a bit of a strange dilema with Christmas coming up as I now feel i have real choice .The choice of having an alcoholic drink isnt very appealing but on the other hand part of me says take the pill and just have one to keep my brain reminded that for me now its not very enjoyable psstime πŸ€”πŸ€£

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