Tooth pain

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So I started having throbbing pain as well as sharp pain on the right side of my face on Wednesday morning. The worse pain I have ever felt. I went to see the dentist Thursday morning because the pain was so bad it felt as if someone was taking a knife and slicing my bone alone with the throbbing. She prescribed me 500mg amoxicillan, 600mg ibuprofen and 5/325 norcos. Well today is Saturday and the none of the pain killers have been working at all I'm in agonizing pain. It hurts so bad I'm constantly crying. Should I go To the E.R? I don't know what to do I can't even sleep at all and if I do doze off I wake up in agony. Hot and cold compresses don't work anymore to sooth it. My appointment is Monday and it seems so far away. Please help

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Is this an abcess? You've been given antibiotics so I'm guessing it must be? Do you have any swelling where the pain is?

    Have you taken the antibiotics? They should have kicked in by now.. How much are you on? How many a day?

    If you can't take it anymore then you need to seek out an emergency clinic.. Google for Dental Access Center if you're in the UK and you can get a same day emergency appointment.. I've had to do it twice in my life.. I know what the pain is like, I was punching the wall at one point.

    I have in the past taken things into my own hands and doubled my amoxicillan dose to get the pain under control then lowered the dose again once some relief started to appear. I can't advise you do this unless you speak to somebody 1st and check that it's okay to do so since you're appointment is a few days away.

    I hope you're feeling better soon.

    • Posted

      I have been taking antibiotics today is my 3rd day, but I have no relief. I'm taking 500mg /3x a day. Yes there is swelling but not a lot. My face hurts to touch it. My doctor had me double my first dose of antibiotics since I had lots of pain, but I have gotten no relief!

  • Posted

    Hi stephanie37202

    Yiu have only been taking antibiotics for 2 days uou need to let them kick in ..give them another 3 days to do there wishes...

    • Posted

      Thank you. In trying but the pain is so bad and it's no fun having to go to work like that.

    • Posted

      Hi stephanie37202

      Phone your doc tomorrow and ask for a stronger pain killer such as co-codomol or codeine..or go to A and E and see if they will give them to you......

  • Posted

    Honestly saying, when my tooth had an irreversible pulpitis, the antibiotic was given to be able to do the root canal without causing a sepsis in my body. The antibiotic never helped me with tooth pain once it was passed of reversible inflammation.

    It had to be killed.

    I was in agony last year, only lying down and taking meds with narcotics would ease the pain.

    Unfortunately my dentist killed the wrong molar first since the 'cold' test did not show up on any tooth in the area as positive (due to thick crowns).

    So the pain continued, the third of 3 nerve branches taken of that one first rood canal tooth hoping it was just that and took 10 days before the other tooth got a root canal and I was painfree from the first hour.

    I couldn't tollerate any compresses, lying still on the side with narcotic containing pain killers was the best, had a towel between my front teeth so that no molar would touch each other as this caused an electric shock senstation.


    antibiotics do not neccessarily free you from symptoms but prepare you for a risk free root canal.

    I fear you need a root canal and tomorrow will probably be early enough.

    I had 10 days with this pain due to getting onto wrong tooth (and expensive like hell, another pain)....horrid, horrid, horrid.

    • Posted

      if it was a tooth problem as the title indicated. biggrin

      If you had facial nerve pain, that's something different.

    • Posted

      I have facial pain because my tooth completely broke, meaning I have no tooth there and my nerve is exposed cause great pain because there is a hole. I've been in pain for 4 days now I can't take it anymore. I think I'm going to the e.r now. I don't know what else to do.

    • Posted

      I don't quite get the pic what is happening.

      So it sounds as

      if the tooth crown broke off and the roots are still in (but why weren't they addressed eg. taken out or cleaned out/filled on Thursday?)

      or is the whole tooth missing already? (But then nothing would be there to be cut out tomorrow....)

      So or so wishing you all the best,

      had a lot of troubles, pain (and wrong treatments) with teeth,

      but hey hurray to the local anaesthesia that can be squeezed in either at tooth very locally or whole jaw.

      I always loved that part when the pain went numb just within seconds.....aaah.

      Hope you got strong prescribtion painkillers/narcotics (codein minimum), otc doesn't work with this kind of pain.

      All the best!

      Soon it will be under control!

    • Posted

      The whole tooth broke up to my gum so there is aholliw piece inside my gum. She didn't take it out because she said i had a bad infection and I was in so much pain. She wanted to wait until I had enough antibiotics in me before.

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